27. The Fear Policy

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Victoria pauses by the entrance and looks around after the elevator doors open. It's intimating in its noise and impressive architecture , its all faux gold and marble pillars. The interior is dark , the gleam of polished mahogany and flash of jewellery  visible to the outsider. Victoria has driven past this establishment before in London-always labelling it as too much for her. The tower was at a height , and views of London nightlife swam in the dark sky.

With some hesitancy , she steps inside the casino.

The noise intensifies upon entering. She finds herself surrounded by shouts and laughs and clinks of glasses. The discomfort worsens , as she stand alone in the center of the dim lit room. Her eyes search for Myla , amidst the crowd of drinking groups and gambling addicts.

She swallows , intimidated. And looks down , yet again she has overlooked the importance of external appearance. It's a reoccurring sensation that continues to leave her cursing her inability to gauge the situation at hand.

"You're early"

Myla's voice is relief personified. She turns to excuse herself , mid-lie. Myla is Unrecognizable , an entirely different women to the sad , grey unremarkable person she met in the café two days ago.

She stands at eye level now , taking full advantage of her heels. Like all women there , she is dresses to kill , sporting a red dress that slopes from shoulder to shoulder and meets at a delicate point at the center of her chest. The satin silk tapered at the hips and cut off below the knee. There is an awful lot of pale skin on display-which Victoria assumes is Myla's intention.

"Not one for dressing up , are you?"

"I don't see a point " Victoria , lies "I'm here for a meeting"

"We're in a casino and you're no longer a criminal heiress anymore. You have to dress up to make connections"

"I'm here on business"

Myla rolls her eyes , "Come here" , she turns her around with ease and slips her hands beneath the silk of Victoria's blazer , tugging it off and spinning her on the spot-and begins undoing the buttons of Victoria's shirt with practiced effortlessness.

"do we have to do this here?"

"We can go somewhere else , somewhere private if you'd like. There is a classy strip club round the back" She says , brushing Victoria's shoulder down.

Victoria smiles , "Don't tempt me"

"You're hunching , dear. Relax I'm a professional" She says , reaching up and unclasping her diamond necklace and fastening it around Victoria's neck. Holding her at arm length she smiles "There. Not quite Bond Villainess but you will make a sexy secretary"

"Thank you very much. Is he here?" Victoria asks folding her blazer over her arm.

"He is , take a left after the outdoor pool"

"You're not coming?"

"No , besides I've got clients of my own. It's supposed to be private meeting. He'll be at the bar. Good Luck. Whatever you do-don't challenge him to poker or cards. You will loose"

Myla begins to walk away , before Victoria can protest. Sighing to herself she makes her way towards the bar. Not seeing him anywhere.

Choosing to sit down on a stool , she leans against the counter , twisting to view the casino panorama. She observes the people around her , a few in groups , a few of them gambling their money away and all of them partially drunk. It was more of a party than a business meeting.

Suddenly there is an uproar of disappointed crowds , men slamming their cards and trashing their drinks at a certain casino table , poker chips are being pushed to a man and money is being handed to him. Amongst all the chaos at the hot casino table she catches the word 'Lavitsky' , she leans forwards to catch a glimpse but is interrupted the bartender

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