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After I pack up a bag of fresh clothes along with my hairbrush, toothbrush, makeup, straightening iron, curling iron, and deodorant, I take a quick shower and change into clean sweatpants and a sports bra with a loose workout crop top.

Before I work myself up, I shake off my menacing insecurities and carry my things out to Lenora's Jeep. Just as I fire up the engine, a motorcycle comes flying into the parking lot. My heart jumps into my throat when I see a flash of ebony hair.

Within moments, Lenora is at the door of the Jeep with a really, really pissed-off look. She doesn't even have to tell me to open the door. I don't get down from the driver's seat, though.

"What are you doing?" she asks so steely that it makes my blood cold.

I tuck my wet hair behind my ear and try a watery smile. Her stony blue eyes don't waver in the least.

"Don't be mad," I say. "I'm sorry. I—"

"Do you have any idea what a lockdown means?" she snaps.

I flinch back into the car like her words have lunged at me. She terrifies me. As sexy as she is, she's equally daunting.

"No one is allowed to leave pack territory," she tells me. "That's what a fucking lockdown means. So explain to me what you're doing. Right now."

"What do you want me to say?" I mumble, unable to meet her cutting eyes. "I needed fresh clothes. And we're out of food at the pack house. I was going to pick some things up."

"That's not your responsibility!" Lenora all but yells. "I am the Alpha! I understand that you've never been in a pack before. You don't know how to take commands. But you will learn, starting today."

Anger pulses through me and gives me enough courage to meet her eyes as tears gather in mine. There are few things I hate more than getting yelled at. I have always been a good and obedient daughter, student, and employee. I do my best so that I can't be scolded for doing poorly. Ridicule only makes me angry.

"I didn't ask to be in your pack," I say with a shockingly firm voice. "You dragged me to your pack house. And now you're telling me I can't leave to get clothes and food? This—this is bullshit."

The fair skin of her face shades crimson. "You are my mate, Emery. It's funny you think you get a choice."

I don't know what to say to her. I just want to cry but I refuse to give her that satisfaction.

"Get out," she orders. "Right now."


Her hands are unfastening the seatbelt and hauling me out before I can blink. She sets my feet on the ground but pins me against the car. Her face lowers so our eyes are level. I try to resist, but she's so damn strong.

"Everything I do," she says, "is for you. Is for the pack. Stop trying to make me the bad guy."

"Let go of me," I say.

Snarling, she relents and I'm left to sag against the door. "Get in the passenger. We're going back."

I glance up at my apartment and briefly consider making a run for it. She would catch me. She has longer legs and she's a fucking werewolf. But I'm so over this and the way she's treating me that I almost do it.

"Don't even," she warns. "Your punishment is bad enough already."

Punishment? I scoff. Who does she think she is?

"Why can't I just stay here?" I say. "If you're so afraid of the rogues coming back and eating me, then isn't it safer for me here?"

Her eyes blaze as they stare me down. "They know who you are. When they can't or don't find you on my territory, they'll track your smell. And then no one will be around to protect you."

I know it's childish, but I could scream at the unfairness. I'm a grown-ass adult. She's kidnapping me. Just because she's the hottest thing I've ever seen and she gives my heart flutters does not mean I just want to take her pushing me around.

Unfortunately, this is not a fight I can win right now. She'll just manhandle me and infuriate me even more.

I stomp around to the passenger side and haul myself in. Lenora climbs up behind the wheel and we take off. Crossing my arms, I glower at the surroundings flashing by outside the window. The drive passes in a bone-chilling silence. My face burns. With each passing minute, my agitation sinks away and a bit of apprehension replaces it.

She can't punish me. That would be . . . abusive. Wouldn't it? Well, it doesn't matter. If Lenora wants to punish me, it doesn't matter what I think. She can overpower me in any situation. Fuck. What is she going to do to me?

When we get to the pack house, she jumps out of the car. I sit there for a moment and try to prepare myself for whatever is coming. Before I can take a breath, Lenora is opening my door and unfastening my seatbelt.

I shoo her hands away, which just earns me a growl and then getting pulled from the seat. I audibly huff when she sets me on the ground. We glare at one another. Her eyes are a dark, stormy blue. I want to dive into them and run from them simultaneously. She's just being so unfair.

"Can I close the door or are you just going to stare at me all day?" she asks.

I grit my teeth and turn back to the car. Her hands are on me right away, one gripping my hip and the other my waist.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Her lips brush against the shell of my ear, her warm breath fanning out along my exposed neck. She presses her front into my back and the rest of my body stiffens. It takes every ounce of my self-control to keep from shuddering into her.

"I need to get my bag," I say curtly, steeling myself.

Sighing, she relinquishes her hold on me and I use the opportunity to lean up and grab my bag.

"I'll carry that," Lenora says. Her voice sounds calmer but she's still mad. She extends a hand toward my bag.

"I can handle it just fine," I snip.

Her lips purse and she watches me march past her in the direction of the house. When we get to the front door, she opens it but blocks my path. I reluctantly look up at her.

"Don't ever steal my car again," she says, her eyes hard and cold again before she steps aside.

I clench my jaw and move around her into the foyer.

"I have some things to take care of," she continues. "Go settle in. I'll be back to deal with you later."

Deal with me. I try so hard not to flick her off, but, in the end, my hand wins out. She growls but I just continue walking towards the stairs.


I'm sitting on Caden's bed, browsing through some books I took from the library, when there's a knock at the door. Caden turns in the swivel chair at his desk to look at the door and then at me.

"May I come in?" Lenora's voice sounds through the door.

Caden gets up and opens it, bowing his head just slightly. "Alpha," he greets.

Her eyes are already on me, though. They scan me as she rocks back on her heels.

"I'm here for Emery," she says.

I sigh and close the book in my lap. Standing up, I squeeze Caden's shoulder and say, "I'll be back for those. Thanks."

He nods mutely with his eyes trained on the floor. Guilt nags at me. I hope I don't get him in trouble.

"Where are we going?" I ask as Lenora leads the way to the staircase.

"Our bedroom."

My next step falters and she tilts her head just enough for me to know she heard. I gulp back my feelings. I'm so pissed at her, yet the idea of our bedroom still makes my core tingle for her.

Grinding my teeth, I fold my arms over my chest and pretend I don't feel my rock-hard nipples through my shirt.

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