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TW: sexual assault


Arabella places her feet wider apart and wraps her hand around my head. "Now, little pet, lick my pussy."

Her hand pushes my face towards her mound of soft curls. I despise the traitorous tingle that snakes through me. I hate this woman. Why is my body even responding to her?

My nose is forced into her hair until all I can see, hear, and feel is her warm flesh encasing me. She smells citrusy—like freshly squeezed oranges. I groan protestingly against her, but she pushes my face harder into her when I try to pull away.

"Be a good girl," she taunts. "Unless, of course, you want me to bring Lenora in here. She has always been good at eating pussy. I wonder if she's shown you all her tricks. Hmm?"

Anger flushes into my face, combatting the uninvited lust. I can't let her get into my head, though.

It's just a pussy, I tell myself. Just do it. It means nothing. Just get it over with already.

Drawing in a breath, I unravel my tongue. It pushes through my lips and shyly pokes through the tufts of curls. The moment my tongue makes contact with her pussy, Ara moans. Her fingers tighten in my hair.

"You feel so good, pet," she groans. "Lick my cunt. Lick me good. Make your mama come."

My hesitance weakens the longer I inhale her arousal. A hunger wakens within me that feels all too much like the lust I feel for Lenora. I squeeze my eyes closed and try to stave off the traitorous feelings. Tears pool in my eyes as my tongue prods deeper into Ara's warmth until I'm slicing through her lips.

Sweet, tangy nectar coats my mouth. She's drenched. Everything unravels inside me. I forget who I am, what I'm doing. Some needy, animalistic noise scratches its way out of my throat. An overwhelming desire to please casts a fog over me. My hands latch onto soft, round hips as I dive into this delicious pussy.

Above me, Ara rapturously cries out.

I circle her engorged clit and then plunge my tongue into her tight hole. The nectar seems to taste sweeter the farther I go. I lap thirstily as if this is my last chance at life.

"Oh, yeah," Ara huskily groans. "Fuck yeah. Eat me out, little pet. Like a good little girl."

My tongue returns to her clit while I move one hand to her entrance. In one thrust, I plunge two of my fingers into her snatch. She screams out.

"Oh, my GOD! You feel so fucking good. Get in there! Get in this pussy!"

It doesn't take much longer to make her come undone for me. I suction my mouth to her pearl and thrust as hard and fast as I can. She shrieks, clutching at my hair, and then shudders.

"I'm coming!" Her voice cheers me on, all sultry and deep. "Oh, baby girl, I'm coming in that mouth!"

I yank my fingers out and replace them with my mouth to catch every drop of sugar squirting out of her. Her honey fills my mouth, washing down my throat. The moment her hand falls away from my head, I slump back with a fatigued huff.

After staring at her flushed cheeks for a moment, the haze gradually dissipates. I realize who I'm looking at it, who I just pleasured. Just as quickly as the greedy need set it, the guilt is there to take its place.

My heart crumbles. I betrayed Lenora. I not only made another woman come, but I enjoyed it. Fulfilling her, if even just for a few minutes, became my sole ambition. I turn away from Ara and bite my tongue to stifle a sob.

"Oh, my little pet." Ara squats down with a long breath. Pushing the hair from my face, her fingers stroke my wet cheeks. "Don't cry. I'm your mate too."

"This is torture," I hiss, keeping my eyes shut tightly. "You are anything but a mate. No one would ever want you as their mate. You're evil. Fucking evil . . ." My words trail off into sullen sniffles.

Her fingers still on my skin. For a moment, I'm able to forget she's even there.

"Is that so?" Ara snaps abruptly. My eyes flash open, body tensing. "Let's see if you'll still be saying that when I'm through with you."

Her lime-green eyes are cold like ice as she pins me to the ground on my back. I whimper but her grip is ruthless. She grabs the hem of my ratty shirt and pulls it roughly over my head and arms.

"No," I whimper. My hands try to cover my chest but she shoves them aside.

While I cry, feeling so weak and helpless, she studies my bare chest. The flame in her eyes burns a more lustful color as she takes each of my tits into her hands.

"Gorgeous tits," she breathes with a satisfied smirk. "How lucky am I."

I hate that my pussy clenches at her touches, at her sensual attention. I just want to shut down and make it all stop.

Then I feel her hot, wet mouth latching onto one of my nipples. My tits are my weakness. I can't even fathom how this monster could possibly know that, but here she is. Wrecking all of these precious things I'd only ever shared with Lenora.

A loud moan unfurls in my throat. Ara flattens her tongue to lick puppy-like at my nipple while idly toying with the other. I squirm, my hips bucking with need.

I hate you, I yell at her inside my mind. I can't wait for Lenora to make you pay.

She pulls away, providing me momentary relief, until I feel her fingers wrap around the waistband of my sweats. My hands make one last effort to push her away or claw her face off. She grabs both of my wrists in one hand and pins them over my head. She growls against my mouth.

"Open your eyes," she orders. "Open them!"

I peek them open just enough to see hers glowing over me. My body screws up in a shudder.

"Resist me and I will punish Lenora. Got it?"

Even still, the idea of her touching my mate in any way makes me so revolted and angry that I stand firm on my own demise. I would still rather her torment me. Anything to keep Lenora safe for as long as I can.

"Yes," I hoarsely reply. "I understand."

Ara's lips curl menacingly. "Good girl."

She makes quick work of my pants, and I keep my twitching hands over my head. My fingers squeeze together to keep from pushing her away again.

I rumble something incoherent as cool, fresh air rubs against my heavy apex. I feel my need drip down my pussy to my ass.

"You are so sexy," Ara snarls. "I'm gonna love snacking on this pussy."

A warm tongue prods at my asshole before strumming up between my thighs, riding the most sensitive part of me. I shiver. Ara kisses my lips firmly and then pushes her tongue through my folds. My head slams back into the ground. I groan, torn between resistance and irresistible release.

For minutes it seems she eats me out, her tongue cutting through me and her moans shooting vibrations into my core. Then she follows my way and focuses on slurping up my clit. She slides enough fingers into my sopping hole that I feel stuffed. Scalding hot waves burn through me as she thrusts with her fingers and nibbles at my nub.

I wish I could call it all off and make my body stop. I can't, though. She's done something to me that I have no control over. The worst part is that I will still never forgive myself. It's my only choice, but my body's responses are still inexcusable. I should be stronger than this. For Lenora, if not even for myself.

All too suddenly I feel the pulsing of my unraveling orgasm. My hips buck into Ara's thrusts and I can hear my unrestrained, rapturous wails. She pinches my left nipple with her free hand and that's all it takes for me to come completely undone.

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