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The mystery woman stands before me, looking fierce in a black leather jacket and combat boots.

I hear myself gasp. She smirks and bends down to grab my phone. Her eyes flit over the screen.

"Hey!" I reach out to snatch my phone back but she lifts it out of reach.

My face drops into a scowl. Tall people have used their long ass arms to dangle things out of my reach for my entire life.

Her eyes are dark as they meet mine, the sea blue now a turbulent black ocean. "I thought I told you to stay away from her," she growls.

This time I'm not completely dazed by her as I was in the bathroom. There's no wall out here for her to pin me against and feel naughty things.

"Give it back," I demand.

"No." She crosses her arms, tucking my phone between her taut forearms. "You said you understood. Now you're intentionally disobeying."

"You said she couldn't touch me, not that I had to stay away." I glare as hard as I can. "And anyway, I don't know you. You can't just boss me around."

"You know me now," she says.

I scoff but she sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose as if I'm trying her patience. Her patience! What about mine?

"I know you don't understand and you don't trust me," she continues. "I know. But I'm trying to protect you."

"Protect me from what? Having fun?"

Her pink lips quirk back in a sneer. The sinful intent gleaming in her eyes steals my breath. When she says nothing, I groan and throw my hands in the air.

"Keep my damn phone then!" I snap and spin around, marching off toward my car.

I blink and she's somehow in front of me. But I'm too slow to redirect my feet and plow into her again. This time she catches my waist.

She smells like fresh laundry and chocolate, but it's her sultry eyes that force me to be still.

"Emery," she says, "you're not going to that party. That girl wants you. If you go over there, she's going to touch you. You're too curious and meek to tell her 'no.'"

"You don't know me," I mutter. Even though I know she's probably right.

"I do. You are a gentle, kind person. But if you're misguided, you'll be kind to the wrong people."

She was clearly trying to tell me I was a pushover without being mean. My hands clenched into fists.

Who does this woman think she is?

"And you're the right person then?" I mutter.

She nods. "Exactly. The only one who deserves you."

My skin is buzzing from her closeness and her words set a bomb of butterflies off in my stomach.

The only one? I don't even know how to take that but it's making my heart hammer.

"And if it's fun you're looking for . . ." she drawls, a smirk curling at her plump pink lips. "I can promise you the best entertainment of your life."

Oh my God! My face burns like a lit match.

How can she flirt so shamelessly? I'm pretty sure that's what this is. I mean, I'm not an expert but that sounds like flirting to me.

To divert her attention from my absolute mortification, I cross my arms and think of something else to talk about.

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