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The closest civilization to the rogue rendezvous is about ten miles northeast. Ara leads the way, clearly familiar with this path. To keep myself from worrying about Emery, I focus on where we're headed. It might be the way we someday take to escape.

We reach the edge of the town where the forest gives way to the back of a shopping plaza. Ara shifts but the rest of us stay in our wolf forms. My eyes scan the dumpsters and vehicles parked behind the building.

"No one move," Ara orders.

She jogs over to an idling car and raps on the window. It rolls down. Although I can't see who is inside the car, I hear the pop music on the radio dial down. My teeth are set on edge. I feel tense like something bad is about to happen. The wolves around me press in closer, probably to keep me from running.

"Hey," Ara whispers to him. It's hard to hear but I make out their conversation.

"Make it happen," a man's voice grits out. "Or I'll cut you off."

She sighs with a nod. "We've obtained helpful resources recently. We'll get it done."

"This is your last one until I see results."

Arabella takes something from the driver, who rolls up his window before she says anything back to him. She returns to us as the white Cadillac sedan jets off.

She comes directly to me with the paper bag in hand. "Shift," she commands.

Bristling, I do as she says with irritation.

"Put the clothes on in here. Take the money." She turns to nod at one of the guys. "Get the bags, will you?"

He runs to one of the dumpsters and picks up a few backpacks.

"We need food," Ara tells me. "Get as much as you can and don't fuck this up. If you do, I'll make sure our little mate doesn't get a bite of anything."

"Who was that?" I ask. "Who's giving you money?"

I try not to think how agitated I am that Dani lied to me about sponsors. It seems unlikely that she doesn't know anything about it, so she must have lied to me.

Ara snarls at me. "None of your fucking concern. Now get in there and get it done. Before I change my mind."

Grinding my teeth, I pull the jeans and t-shirt on. They're way too big on me but I guess it'll work. I ring my arm through the bags and start towards the building. A hand grabs my shoulder.

"What?" I snap, looking back at Arabella.

"Do not fuck this up. Go."

Growling under my breath, I jog towards the plaza. The air rubs briskly against my skin. I think about Emery sitting on the hard ground with only blankets to keep her warm. The thought makes my skin prick. I have to get her away from this. I've fucked everything up. This is the least I can do. I don't care what happens to me anymore. I'll never live with myself if I let Arabella touch her again.

As soon as I'm inside the Walmart, I go to the clothing section and pick out thick construction pants and a hoodie as well as cotton underwear. Then I head to the canned foods. The entire time I'm wondering how I can alert someone about our location. I need a fucking phone.

When I've gathered enough water and canned things, I check out. Then I go to the customer service desk.

"I'm sorry," I tell the female employee, "I need to borrow a phone."

"There's a pay phone outside." She blows a bubble with her gum, giving me a bored look.

"I don't have change or a debit card. Please, I'll only take a second. It's very important. I won't even leave the desk."

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