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This isn't real. This can't be real. WHATTHEFUCK.

My mind is wreaking havoc while Lenora opens the bedroom door. I instinctively look up to see who the knocker is.

An impressive tall man with bodybuilder muscles stands in the hall. His gaze flicks immediately to me, which sends an unpleasant ripple through my body. Blonde hair hangs around him but does nothing to lessen his intimidating image.

"What do you want?" Lenora growls at him. The noise calms some of my mounting anxiety.

"Who is she?" asks the man, his eyes still glued to me.

A stiff moment passes before Lenora sighs. "She's my mate."

He looks back at her for the first time, brows arching up.

"If you tell a single goddamned soul," she snaps, "I will kill you myself, Carter. Is that understood?"

"She's your mate?" He openly gapes at me.

"Must I repeat myself?"

Clearing his throat, he scratches the back of his neck. "Well, fuck. Why is this a secret, Lenny? I mean, it's unusual, but I don't get why you're hiding her. Does your pack even know?"

"I've only told a few," she says. "We will announce it soon, but I want this rogue nightmare to be over. She has to be protected. I don't want anyone to know she's up here or they'll target her."

"That makes more sense." He nods with a deep breath. His eyes flash back to me, though he's still talking to Lenora. "Have you marked her?"

Marked? Like a dog marks their territory? If she tries pissing on me, the game is over.

Though the idea of seeing her without pants on is a little appetizing.

I shake my head in disgust as Lenora firmly snips a, "No."

"Well . . ." He draws off. "You might wanna fix that. She'll be better protected if she is."

"Or more of a target," she says. She turns to face me. Worry lines her strong, beautiful features. Those staggering blue eyes blaze through me. "Emery isn't ready for that anyway."

I gulp.

"Have you heard anything from them?" Lenora asks him. Her voice has changed again, more rigid like before.

"No, but I've been keeping an eye on the news and a suspicious number of dead animals was found about a hundred and twenty miles northwest."

"Hmm. Are they already arcing north?"

"Maybe. They could be avoiding the coastline cities and heavy human traffic." He shrugs with another furtive glance at me. "But I doubt it. They haven't been particularly careful around human populations so far on their grand trek."

Lenora nods once, decisive. "Let me know if anything stirs up. Emery and I still have some things to discuss."

They both look back at me and I sheepishly sink into the sheets.

"For sure," the man says. "I'm sorry I, uh, interrupted."

He leaves with an awkward and as Lenora closes the door, I turn onto my side and pull the covers over my head. The bed dips. A hand peels the sheets far enough down to reveal my face. I squint up at the devastating beauty through one eye.

"How are you feeling, Emery?" she asks. Her eyes are concerned, the thin skin around them smooth.


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