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When the chirping of birds stirs me from my dreams, it's like I can feel the cold, hard ground against my back all over again.

I startle awake with a gasp, reaching for blankets to cover my nakedness, to hide from anyone who may be lurking about. Then I open my eyes and see I'm in Lenora's bed, snuggling one of her black t-shirts. I'd wear it if it fit me, but she's several sizes smaller than I am.

I leave the bed to use the bathroom and check the time. It's already past eight. Pulling on my sweats, I trudge down to the kitchen. Denver is there already with a steaming mug of tea in hand.

"Good morning," he greets, sounding surprised. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"I've been better. You?" I move around him to grab the coffee grinds and pour them into the coffee pot.

"Much of the same. Do you want to join me?"

I look over my shoulder to see him sitting down at the table. While I just want to go back up to the bedroom and mope alone, I know I can get more information out of Denver.

I start the coffee pot and sit across the table from him. He thumbs the hot mug and studies me.

"That night I ran outside," I tell him, "I heard Lenora telling people she was going to kill them. I think they were rogues, but I don't know. It freaked me out." I watch his face but it gives nothing away. "Did you know what she was up to?"

Denver leans back in his chair and sighs. "We were interrogating rogues. It's not what you think."

"I hope not. I do get it a little more now. The rogues are merciless."

"Some are," he agrees. "If you had spied for a little longer, you would know that Lenora extended an offer to those rogues she threatened. She offered them all a place within our pack."

"Why? Why would she do that?"

"Because they're just kids. They just wanted a cause to support, something they could fight for. She was one of them not that long ago."

That shakes me. Lenora didn't intend to hurt those rogues. She was trying to save them.

"I'm so stupid," I murmur, pushing my face into my hands. "I shouldn't have run. I should've waited for her to explain."

"I agree."

I lift my head and want to cry but I don't. "What did the rogues say? Did they stay?"

"I don't know," he says. "I've been keeping them alive for her to decide when she returns."

"They're still here?"


My brows furrow. "Wait, these are Ara's rogues, right?"

"As far as we know, yes."

"Then why aren't we asking them to help us find their new location? They would know better than anyone where Ara would relocate the rogues."

Denver is about to say something but then changes his mind. He nods. "That's a good point. You're thinking like a Luna now."

I jump up from the chair. "Well, let's go talk to them!"

"Okay, fine. Let's go."

We go directly to the library. I move to the secret door, trying to remember where exactly it is. When I look at Denver, he's grabbing the stool for the bookshelves.

"What're you doing?" I ask.

"Getting the key," he says, grunting as he uses the stool to reach behind a stack of dusty books. "Got it."

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