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"No disappearing again!" My mom squeezes me tightly against her. "I love you. I'm happy for you and Lenora."

My face is hot as we pull away. "I love you too," I say, smiling shyly.

"If I don't hear from the other kid for a while, I'm coming for a visit," grumbles my dad.

"Please," Bella groans, "you know you're sick of me anyway."

We all chuckle.

"Well, let us know when you make it safely," my mom says as we pile into our cars.

Bella's going to follow Lenora and I back home, where I'll show her my apartment and around town. I can't help but feel a little excited, despite my reservations about my sister.

She's not a bad person. She's very smart and driven and wants to help people. She's just a lot sometimes and a little intrusive.

This could all very well end in disaster and I only hope I haven't made a catastrophic decision in inviting her with us. If she somehow finds out about the pack, Lenora said she'd have to kill her.

What the hell will I do if that happens? I can't let Lenora kill my sister. I'll just have to keep her as far from the pack house as possible.

Still, if all goes well, it'll be nice having someone from my life here. No one else in Lemley truly knows me.

I mean, they know the new me, the me with an Alpha mate who has survived kidnapping, rape, and assault—but not the plain old human me.

"Are we still going to Starbucks?" Lenora asks.

I snap out of my reverie and nod. "Yeah. Otherwise, Bella won't shut up about needing coffee. Trust me, it's easier to just appease her now."

Lenora grimaces and I realize that she's still the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. How can someone make that face and not look like a toad? I know I share a startling resemblance with the unfortunate amphibians from countless hours in front of a mirror as a self-conscious teenager trying to make my "double chin" less visible.

It's honestly ridiculous how we're taught to scrutinize our bodies at such a young age.

"I mean, Starbucks though?" Lenora says. "It seems so . . . cliche."

I snicker. "What do you know about cliches, Alpha? You're a freakin' werewolf. Is there even a Starbucks in Lemley?"

She mocks an offended look. "I'll have you know, I am not a hermit. I've had Starbucks a few times. And I've lived in many other places than Lemley."

I know from past conversations that she was a bit of a tumbleweed before she became Alpha, as she was a rogue before she decided to fight for the Alpha position. She's never gone into much more detail than that, though. I've always assumed it was just a sensitive subject for her.

Maybe this is my opportunity to learn more about this woman I so easily imagine spending forever with. I know already that nothing she could ever say will change how I feel for her. It's remarkable and even a little crazy to love someone this much.

"Well, almighty Alpha," I tease, "where else have you lived?"

She lifts her chin and turns into the Starbucks parking lot. "I spent a few years in the northwest. Hated the rain and fucking snow. Someone told me there were packs in the southeastern. So I spent a few months on the Gulf Coast. I tried to exist as a human but, as you know, most people annoy the fuck out of me. That's when I met Tara and Chelisse. They were honeymooning in Gulf Shores."

I can't imagine Lenora walking the earth as a human. She seems so in tune with her feral side.

"So you were a rogue when you met them?" I ask.

"Yep. Tara tried convincing me to join their pack. I had a bit of a reputation by that point. I'd bounced between a few different packs but none of them fit. Chelisse told me I must have Alpha blood because I was so damn stubborn. Kinda planted a seed, I guess."

We reach the drive-thru now and focus on ordering our drinks. Lenora squints at the illuminated board listing available beverages.

"What the hell is a cinnamon caramel cream nitro cold brew?"

I chuckle. "It's pretty concentrated cold coffee served without ice."

"Doesn't even sound like coffee at that point."

"Well, I guess we'll have to try it then. I want it in grande."

Lenora huffs but orders that for me and a plain tall black coffee for herself. When the barista reads out the total, she gapes.

"Ten dollars?" she demands, looking at me aghast.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." I wave her off. "Roll up to the window, you cheapskate."

"That's criminal! Literal highway robbery."

I laugh at her absurdity. She, of course, doesn't let me pay and begrudgingly forks over the cash. We wait until Bella has gotten her drink before pulling onto the interstate. I settle into my seat, kicking off my slides, and take a sip of my cold brew. It's perfect—all smooth, rich, and sweet.

"You have to try it," I insist, thrusting the plastic cup at her.

"I'm not trying that shit."

"Yes, you are. I'm going to convert you."

"Oh, really?" She smirks. "Well, if I try your sugary poison, I want you to try something in return."

I think about it for a second. Seems fair.

"Okay. What?"


I choke on my coffee. "Bondage? Like, you want to tie me down and spank me?"

"Well, yeah."

My lips purse. "Okay."

"Okay?" She arches a brow.

"Yeah, I'll try it. But no flogging or any of that painful shit. You can tie me down, though." As a smirk spreads across her face, I add, "So, now you have to try my sugary poison."

She groans but accepts the cup from my hand. As the creamy liquid slides into her mouth, I study the side of her face closely. If she's going to fake disliking it, I'll know.

As expected, she scrunches her flawless tanned skin and hands the cup back to me. "Disgusting."

"Liar," I pour, bringing the cup lid to my mouth.

Is it weird that I can taste her still on the opening?

"Nope. That's not coffee."

"You just can't admit to liking something glorified by basic white bitches," I tutted.

"Because I'm not a basic white bitch."

"Ah ha! So I was right! You do like it."

She sticks her tongue out at me.

Grinning victoriously, I place my hand on her thigh and turn the radio on.

I feel so much more at peace with myself than I have in months. The world feels right again.

My parents know that Lenora and I are together and they accept us. My sister is coming to live near us and maybe get her life sorted. And best of all, we're headed home.


A place where I feel safe and belonging. A place where I'm comfortable. A place where I can wake up everyday and smile because the love of my life will always be beside me.

"I love you," I murmur, gazing out the window at passing trees.

"I love you, too, baby girl."

My heart swells. Yep, this is it. Pure happiness.

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