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The sun seemed to be bursting out from the sky it was shining so brightly. Hardly could one even mange to make out where the sky ends and where the world begins, the beams of light blinded one's eyes that much. Not a cloud in the sky to block the big ball of light. The weather was going to be clear all day as the weather reporter said. What a perfect day for flying!

You heard your Uber driver hunk his car horn.

"The man drives like a grandma..." You heard the driver say while cursing under his breath.

Your hands fidgeted nervously on your lap as he began to speed up again. Your mind couldn't believe it... Today you were going to be interviewed to get your dream job. Possibly the best day of your life could be the day. A small smile appeared on the curve of your soft lips. You were excited, nervous and freaking out all at the same time, in that order.

The car ran over a pothole, you dumped up in your seat, along with your driver, which name you couldn't recall.

"Woah! You ok back there? You've been super quiet." He asked, glancing back at you through the car mirror just for a second.

A awkward laugh came to fill the silence while you thought of something to say.

"Yeah...well, I'm going to a interview today, so I'm rather quiet since I'm lost in thought." That was all true. Talking made your nerves calm down a by a whole inch, still it was something to try to pull yourself together with.

"Oh! A interview! How exciting..." He tried to think of something else to add. "Well, I'm sure you'll be hired. Why wouldn't they hire a pretty girl like you?"

Blush crossed your face. "I'm afraid I'll need more than looks to get a job." Especially to get the one I'm applying for. You added in your head.

"Ha, I know it's scary but I'm still positive you'll get the job. I mean, why wouldn't you?"

"Well...I...don't know. Guess I'm just nervous. I've only applied to get work once before, to help pay my collage debt, and that wasn't too scary." You shyly turned your eyes to look down at your hands. The scary part will be over soon enough. Once you get the job you'll have nothing to fear. Except getting fired...

The car began slowing down, until it made its final stop.

"We're here!" He alerted you.

You peered out your window to get a good look at your destination. A big long building was in front of the huge parking lot. The building plastered with windows, top to bottom. Any place gone without windows was a plain, solid white metal. You could guess what the inside looked like, people from all directions walking and running. Some might be staring out the glass windows from all angles, some sat down on benches or other seats.

A wildly big smile crawled onto your face. You opened up your car door, all ready to go and grab your new job, that you'll hopefully get.

"What are you doing at an airport to get a job? I forgot to ask." The driver bent his back around to look at you.

"Oh, I'm going to become a pilot." You kept your grin on your face as you saw him shocked.

"Good luck then! Don't crash a plane on your first try!"

You chuckled as you shut the car door. After the nice loud sound of it slamming shut you carried on. Coming closer to the entrance those same bad nerves came back to you, starting a unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach. You remembered to take deep breaths as you countered the door, breathing in and out.

Why wouldn't they hire me? Another chuckle escaped your lips.

The doors were automatic, they would open and close by themselves without anyone to tell them too. Passing the doors, you had a new feeling occurred inside of you, confidence. Ignoring everyone else around you, you went to the office where your job interview take place. Despite the old fear and the new strike of confidence, you felt ready to be told whatever. Surly it wasn't that bad to be told you weren't right for the job?

Flight I-1018I Suna Rintarou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now