A gift

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The twins were as loud and adventurous as they ever were. Perhaps that would never change. Unlike weather, weather would always count as a pain, especially for you and every other pilot in the world goes to agree with that. Weather, criminals and all things unpredictable were worst pilot's fear. You hated them. Ojiro hated them. All do as far as you were concerned. But maybe that rule didn't apply when another handsome pilot confessed to you, you had no clue that was going to happen. It felt like it came from out of nowhere.

"That's probably how mine felt..." You whispered to yourself.

One of the twins leaned in close to you, you could feel their breath on your ear.

"Who is feelin' what exactly?" It was Atsumu.

You signed. You didn't want to bother with his childness today. You had to much on your mind. I didn't mean to speak out loud anyway. Can't you mind your own business? You cried. Though Atsumu couldn't read minds, or if he did, he was extremely bad at it.

Suna told you he liked you. He probably wished to go on another date with you, which you wouldn't mind. Not at all. Your entire being was shocked when he said it, you couldn't barely think straight when he told you.

I like you.

He said it with a smile, it made you happier knowing he smiled.

You were painfully aware that you were the one to confess first, but his felt more...real? Passionate? More in depth or more in line? No words could really explain it. You just remember blushing and nodding before telling him another goodbye and going inside to freak out. You had all Sunday to freak out about this, now you're in deep thought about it all.

You liked him back. Suna was talking about the next date on your first one! He could've been planning on the second one the whole time, during the first one. And you were still so stuck, so concerned on the first one that you weren't planning ahead.

"Princesses, you ok? 'Samu I think somethin's wrong with (Y/n). She's not saying anythin'." He told his twin while making eye contact with him.

"Maybe it's because ya're so annoyin'."

"Am not!"

Here they go again. You saw Ojiro's hands fidget, trying to hold back a burst of anger on the twins. Honestly, you were trying to do the same.

"Is anything bothering you?" Ojiro asked, his eyes slightly pointed turns you.

You shook your head. "No. I'm perfect." A smile making it's way onto your lips. "But thanks for asking."

Ojiro only nodded in reply.

You still haven't told anyone about you and Suna's growing relationship. You knew some people were against coworkers being together romantically. Ojiro might be the type, you never know.

What if my boss is the type? You thought worryingly. What if my boss is the type to fire people like me and Suna? Surely it wouldn't that hard of a challenge to keep your relationship a secret?

A full hour later, the flight ended at Nekoma Airport. The cat airport your though was a much more fitting name for it. It explained the place purrfectly.

You wasted no time to get out of the plane, wanting to find Kuroo if he wasn't busy and talk to him about the date. Ojiro headed out as well, but he was going to exercise his legs instead of spending his free time speaking with Kuroo, which you didn't mind. It would actually be better for less of your coworkers to know you even had a date. Less you'd have to explain.

Flight I-1018I Suna Rintarou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now