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Finishing the last of the brownies- they were delicious to the end- you looked at Suna, both of you chewing the brown chewy desert. Suna was a good cook. No one could change your mind. You smiled, letting the taste melt in your mouth and taste buds tingeing in pleasure. The basket was empty and only crumbs accompanied it.

You smiled. "There's no more brownies."

"I know." Suna's back was pressed against yours, his back might've been a little hard for you to rest on, better then not being beside him at all.

"That was your cue to go make more." You swallowed your last brownie bite. Now your taste buds were lonely.

"No. It's your tune to do the baking." He rejects the idea, leaning on your back more, pushing you further forward.

"Suna, stop!" Your arms go backward, trying to push him back up straight.

Suna laughed at your cry, sitting up again. "Ah... What time is it? How long have we been here?"

"Don't know." You tell him, pulling out a phone form your pocket. "It's almost two."

He chuckles. "Sure."

There's a stab in your heart. "Is this the end of our date?" A hint of sadness wraps itself in your tone, disappointment fills your gaze.

"It doesn't have to be." Suna's words were welcomed, a nice surprised you were not expecting.

"What do you mean?" You ask, excited to hear his answer this time.

You feel him shrug his shoulders. He didn't know what he really meant by his own words.

"We could go to my place." Or maybe he did have a plan he invented either a while ago or just made up then. "I you around. Or I could drive you back to your place. I haven't been inside before."

"A house tour?"

"Yeah. A house tour."

You smiled. "That's a good idea." You stand up. Suna was still balancing on you, he fell backwards, hinting the grassy ground. You gasped. "Are you ok?" You bend down to help Suna, your boyfriend back up to his feet.

"I'm fine." He sits up once more, this time getting on his feet. "Come on. I'll drive you to my house. It's a apartment actually." He told you, grabbing his basket, throwing it someplace in the car of his.

You nodded in understanding. "But shouldn't I get all, decor?" Your thumb points back turns the place you and Suna held your date.

He sighs. "Right."

Packing everything in your duffle bad wasn't hard or as irradiating as you thought it would be. It was rather simple, not sure if it was just because of Suna's help. Suna had his unfilled basket, you carried your more loaded duffle bag to the black car he brought. Suna opened the truck to throw all the stuff in.

You sat in the front seat, Suna running to his place in the driver seat. The best new car smell filled your nose. You couldn't get enough of the car, you didn't wish to touch it as much, something like dragging your hand across the interior might break or scratch, that you didn't want.

"We'll go to my house, ok?" He starts up his car, the engine already starting to roar to life.

You nodded, watching the trees dash behind you as Suna speed away in his car with you, going down the hill the same way Akagi had drove you up it.

"How long does it take to get there?" You ask him, peering at him from his side profile.

"Not long at all." There was a smile on his face telling you not to worry about it.

Flight I-1018I Suna Rintarou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now