Worst best day ever

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You walked behind Riseki and Satori. You never dreamed this would happen. You, left behind, forgotten by Satori. You thought you were cursed to have to be stuck with him for awhile. Luckily, Riseki took him off your hands, for now at least. Sometimes he would point a flirtatious comment at you, making you feel a bit uneasy. Still, it wasn't as bad.

Another thing that wasn't as bad was Riseki. He seemed less nervous, which was a bonus. You questioned who would be more secure with a guy like Satori, maybe it was his smooth way of speaking that made Riseki more calm. Like Kuroo's voice did to you.

"You guys want lunch, right?" Satori's voice broke though to you and Riseki.

"Lunch?" You got to speak, you would being quiet the entire time since the boys were busy talking to each other. That wasn't a big problem, the problem was that you would have to get lunch with Satori.

"Um, sure. I'd love lunch." Riseki looked willing to go anywhere with his redhead friend.

And he said he wasn't gay-

"Come on then!" Satori's arms were suddenly wrapped around your neck, shoulders and will to live, or felt like it. They were around Riseki's shoulders to, but not nearly as tight. Satori's grip was killer-like.

He walked turns his job building, where mostly everyone was gathered. There were so many different people in the airport, Satori didn't even stand out anymore. His stuck up red hair seemed normal and blended in with all the others.

"This way!" Satori's arm's grip still strong around you. They were also heavy, effortlessly pushing you into another room with a extreme difference in the amount of people walking around. Instead, the room was occupied by another pilot. They slurped up some noodles until their eyes landed on the three new guests entering the room. Then they choked on them, coughing.

"Hey~ Semi Semi." Satori's arms fell off from you, he took off for his other friend, who appeared to be called Semi Semi.

"What- what are you doing here?" Semi Semi's eyebrows frowned at Satori, he started to ruffle his hair.

You stepped closer to them, taking a moment to peer about the room Satori had practically shoved you into. There was a counter, chairs lined up against it. The chairs and counter colored magenta and white. Semi Semi's bowl was a matching magenta. There was also a large window in the room, right in the middle of the wall. You thought it was a nice feature.

"Get your hands off of me!" Semi Semi swatted at Satori's hands. He looked pretty mad. "Let me finish my food in peace!" He yelled.

"Aw, come on. Don't be like that, Semi Semi." Satori whined.

The other just growled.

"Hello." You hoped you weren't interfering, but you did want food sooner rather then later. You had a flight to Date Tech after this, which you were shamelessly excited for. "I'm (Y/n). A pilot from Inarizaki, a new pilot actually."

Semi Semi lifted his left eyebrow. "Don't think I've heard of this Arizaki before." He mispronounced the name, you couldn't tell if it was on propose or not. He turned to Satori. "Can you please leave me alone? I want to eat and get back to work! And don't invite weird pilots you've met off the street." He slurred up some more noodles.

"Um, (Y/n), I think we can help ourselves to lunch while they...talk." Riseki whispered in your ear. You nodded in agreement, though you know he wanted to say argue.

You and Riseki ignored they other two pilots in the room while you searched and discovered food to eat for lunch in a small fridge next to Semi Semi. You picked up a sandwich and took a seat at the end of the counter and began to munch. Riseki followed up behind you, eating some ramen that he made. You could feel Satori's glaze on you as you ate, you didn't peer at him or advice him to stop. Although, his glare did feel torturing, it wasn't unbearable.

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