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Suna wasn't pleased to see his dad's number flash across his screen. His face said so to you. It didn't make you feel any less awkward. Suna growled at his screen of his phone. You noticed he was picking up, only staring at it.

"Are you going to answer?" You asked. You knew you didn't belong between him and his daddy issues, but he seemed almost dazed while glaring at his phone.

"No... I hate that man. There's no reason for him to call suddenly." He pressed decline on his screen, packing his phone into his pocket again.

"It could be a emergency...what if-"

"No." He said firmly. "I don't want to talk to him right now. If it's that important he'll text me to let me know about it. Otherwise, I'll ignore him."

Though you didn't like what he was saying, you weren't about to pressure him into making that call to his dad. If it had been you mom, you knew you would had picked up. You wouldn't really have a choice, she'd just call over and over until you accepted the incoming call. Annoying, but she was your mother.

"It's fine. Go back to eating. Enjoy your meal." He said simply, voice a lot calmer now. He was settling back down, his face less red.

"Suna, can I ask you something?" You asked, some concern somewhere in your tone.

The concern was choking Suna up. "That was a question..." He wished he hadn't said that, it sounded a bit rude. Though it was the truth.

You chuckled. "Ok. If you dislike being a pilot so much, why not just quit? You dad can't make you stay a pilot. You could work on tech stuff then." What you said you felt proud in. You felt like you could really solve his problems, or come close. You didn't see a way to fix his daddy issues right then, it could come to you later.

"Who said I dislike being a pilot? Sure planes aren't up my alley but it pays. And if I quit, I'd probably have to go to collage again. I'm not up for that. Because of people like Tendo, ya know? They make me uncomfortable" Then he switched it. "School in subject makes me uncomfortable. I don't care for it. Being a pilot is fine for me, just not my dream per say. I'll be fine."

"Ah...ok. That makes sense." You said. Dozing off to your thoughts to confirm. Did it? He wouldn't quit his job to follow his dream, what he loved like how you did. His reason? School and crackheads. Not a very good one in your opinion. This isn't your choice. You ended up telling yourself.

"Do you do anything else for fun? Besides making me banana bread and flying?" He asked.

You realized he wanted to walk away from the work and daddy issues area of his life. You couldn't say you disliked that idea.

"Well..." You recalled you had no life. No life besides flying. "I might sometimes go on walks...sometimes. Maybe not. Not a huge runner though." You confessed. "I don't do much. Pilot work is stressful as it is." A hand made its way to the back of your head. "I do have a Instagram account. Not that I'm famous or again like that."

Suna eyed you as you spoke about yourself, grunted in response. "I should get your Instagram name then, follow you."

You giggled. The numbness of your surroundings seemed to fade as quickly as it arrived. You told him your account name. Suna took out his phone and typed it in.

"This you?" He showed you a Instagram profile picture on his screen.

You nodded. "Yes, that's mine."

"I'll follow you..." His voice trailed off as he pressed on his screen, touching the word follow. "You post any good looking pictures of yourself? Like bikini photos..." He scrolled through the pictures of you.

Flight I-1018I Suna Rintarou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now