Sisters and Boyfriends ( Malec x sister reader)

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Alec POV

Why did I ever introduce my boyfriend to my sister! 

Oh no, not Izzy, but the one elder to Izzy, her parabatai, Y/N Lightwood. 

Anybody who sees he might think she's an angel, but heavens know that she's anything but an angel. I've had my doubts on whether she's related to Satan.

I clearly remember the day I introduced them to each other. Y/N's always been closest to me, so it was a big deal for me. We both stood at the entrance to Magnus' loft. The moment Magnus opened the door, Y/N hugged him enthusiastically before saying, "Hi, I'm Y/n Lightwood, the second eldest lightwood. I'm so glad to finally meet you!". Magnus looked at me amused. He then turned back to her and said, "Hello Cupcake, you're definitely a change from the other lightwoods. I'm Magnus, but I assume you know that."

They hit off soon after that. I couldn't be happier to see my little sister and Magnus get along so well. He's the first person she went to when dad "accidentally" let it slip that she's adopted. That's when I knew how much magnus meant to her. By the time I reached Magnus' that day, I was upset, angry, worried and drenched wet in the rain. I had made dad promise that y/n should never know she's an orphan, how could he have been so careless. I found the usually locked door open that day; I went in to find a drenched y/n crying her eyes out while Magnus held her. When she looked at me, I could see the betrayal in her eyes. We all fell asleep on the floor by the couch that day, it took a while, but after I kept repeating that none of us would ever love her any different, she was finally at peace.

But currently, I couldn't care any less on how much they meant to each other. Its two in the morning and the house echoed with the sound of their senseless bickering! Finally, having enough, I went to the hall to check out what was going on. I found both Magnus and y/n on top of two tables at the far ends of the room. The room seemed to be divided into two, Y/n's side decorated in all red with pictures of a trio, a few broom sticks, a banner that said "MARAUDERS" and lions, while Magnus' side was decorated in all green with pictures of some platinum blond muggle actor, a weird nose less guy, a lake and snakes.

"What in the world is going on!" I yelled, silencing them both. The both looked at me in silence before yelling together 

"Magnus says- ", "she thinks- "... 

"Stop!" I yelled again.

 "Magnus, you go first," I said as Y/n pouted.

 "Y/n called all Slytherins are obnoxious idiots!" he said. "That's because they are!" she retaliated. She looked at me and continued, "And he said that Gryffindors are full of whiny babies!". "Well, it's true!" said Magnus. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Weird names, color coordinated outfits and décor... this could only mean one thing: the two had gone on a Harry potter marathon. 

Now the two were trying to knock out each other's décor. Magnus could do it with a flick of his finger, but of course, he wouldn't. I tried stopping them, but since no one would listen, I threw a pillow at Y/n to get her attention. She moved out of the way and the pillow took her large banner down. 

She turned and glared at me. "Alexander Gideon Lightwood! How dare you!" she yelled. "I hit the wrong thing!" I tried to defend. "No you idiot! 18 Years ago your mother gave birth to the wrong thing!" she said, basically breathing fire now.

 By the time I could respond she was back to her bickering with Magnus. "Tell me one wizard who was a Slytherin and hasn't gone bad!" she said with a smug look. But Magnus had on a smirk of his own, "Merlin." He replied. Y/n looked as though someone had slapped her. "My whole life has been a lie" she murmured and Magnus laughed proudly.

"Please not the dramatic bed flop" I said, and that is exactly what she did. With one arm on her forehead, she did a free fall onto the couch the most dramatic way possible. 

Oh for the love of all that is good, how did I end up with these two idiots!

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