How would you like your tea? (Jace x reader)

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A/N: i apologize for the horrible puns that follow ;)

Jace POV

I can't stand the coffee at the institute cafeteria; it might as well be only milk. I thought they were supposed to be upping their game, with the new Clave official coming in next month. Anyways, I'm on my way to Java Jones to get a round on good caffeine for us (us being me, Alec, Iz, Simon, Clary and Magnus). I turned the corner and entered Java Jones, the strong smell of caffeine fogging my senses. I went ahead and placed my order and looked around for a place to wait. Every table seemed quite full, there was one though, with just a dark-haired girl sitting at it.

I went up to that table.

"Hey, may I sit here? There isn't any place else free..." I trailed off as she looked at me. She was pretty beautiful, dark hair tied up in a messy bun, hazel eyes that looked deep into me, her skin a few shades darker than mine, she looked amazing. She had a book in her hand and tea on the table. Something lit up in me when I saw her. "Sure." She said with a smile, and continued to read the book in her hand. Of course, I was soon getting bored. I looked as the dark-haired girl who was sipping tea while reading her book. I took a tissue and a pen and quickly scribbled the words "you are pre-tea cute" onto it and passed it to her.

She raised her eyebrows at me before reading the note. She rolled her eyes and crumbled the note, before tossing it in the dustbin...

I'm a Herondale, I won't give up so easily.


Time skip to next day

I came back to Java jones today, found the same table, same girl. I tried once again, this time, the note read "You, me and tea. I think it's a winning combo." She did the same she did yesterday.

Time skip

It's been a week of daily notes to her, she still seems unfazed. This mundane is different, I want to see her every day, it's a part of my routine now. I love the sparkle in her eyes as she reads the pages, her eyebrows scrunched up in concentration, how she absent mindedly reaches for her glass between chapters, how she smiles after every sip of hot tea. This time I sent her another note again. It read, "Don't add honey to your tea, your already sweet enough". She put this note aside too, but this time, I got a glimpse of a smile on her face. I felt a small crackle in me.

I made her smile.

---------Time skip---------

It's been almost a month now, she's been reading all my tea pun jokes, folding them and putting them aside neatly, no more tossing it in the garbage. Today, I've decided to ask her out.

I place my usual order and sit at the table. She comes in a bit late today, she smiled at me before seating herself at the table. "Hey" I said, smiling at her.

"So, he speaks!" she said laughing.

"Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both influencing injury, and remedying it." I replied quite smugly.

She looked at me with a sparkle in her eyes, I loved it. "Did you just quote Dumbledore!?" she said excited. "Maybe" I said nonchalantly. We both subtly eyed each other before we started laughing.

"You definitely are quite something Jace Herondale" she said with a fond smile.

"well-"I cut myself short. "I never told you my name... who are you? Really?" I asked her. Deep in I was disappointed, kind of scared, was she not who she thought I was? I'm a Shadowhunter, how can I be so stupid, so carelessly falling for her.

"Cool it Jace, I can see the clogs working in your head. Don't worry, I'm not a demon." She said, smirking as she sipped her tea.

Before I could as her more, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to find Aline. "Jace, I've been searching for you, Alec told me you'd be here, I got to portal back to Idris in a few minutes, my mom sent me to introduce you..." she trailed off as she saw the dark-haired girl. "So, you've already met?" she asked looking at her. "Not really," the girl replied before turning to me and continuing, "Jace I'm so sorry, I just wanted to see if you are genuine, so I didn't tell you who I am. I'm Y/N Carstairs, Clave official, sent to the New York institute by the Consul." My eyes widened as I put the pieces together. I should've guessed, the was she held herself high, her poise, the way she always covered her skin to cover her runes... by the time I zoned back in, Aline had left. Y/N looked at me with uncertain eyes. I did the first thing I could think of, something I've wanted to do since I met her. I kissed her.

After we broke off, she looked at me and spoke grinning, "So I'm guessing you forgive me?"

I jus nodded smiling at the most beautiful girl in the universe. "You didn't order today." I said,

"How would you like your tea?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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