Please Don't Leave - Jace x Reader

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'JONATHON CHRISTOPHER HERONDALE!' the name echoed throughout the institute, making a shiver run down Jace's back. Everyone knew this scream. It was Izzy, had to be. Jace desperately tried to think of how he could have possible upset his devil for a sister as Izzy's boots clicked down the hall, as she walked up to him.

She pulled him down by his collar before flipping him, 'You never learn, do you?' she said. Jace wasn't hurt, only his dignity. He got up with as much self-respect as he had left and asked her sassily, ' Mind telling me whats wrong though?'

'Whats the date?' she asked, her voice dangerously low. It was the 28th .... what was on the 28th of September? NO! how could he have ever forgotten! Realisation dawned on him as Izzy just shook her head, ' This isn't the first time your forgetting Jace, she doesn't even hope anymore.'

This was terrible... Jace remembered 28th of September, this very day, a few years ago, when he met her. She knocked the breathe out of him, literally. They first met in the training room, she had him pinned in under a minute. That was they day he met Y/N, Izzy's parabatai. That was four years ago, and for the third time, Jace had forgotten their anniversary.

He loved her, they had been through hell and back, this year, of all the years, he shouldn't have forgotten. The battle scars from the Dark War were hardly healed. He sat down on the closest chair, not knowing how he could have messed up to this extent. 'Where is she?' he asked Izzy. She sat down next to him, he was her brother after all, she knew the regret weighing on him. 'She's with Alec and Simon, practicing archery... She's upset Jace, we're parabatai, I can feel it.' Izzy says.

Jace nodded at Izzy before walking to the training room. He found her there, just as Izzy said, working herself to the max. He tried lightening the mood, hugged her from behind. 'Hello' he whispered. She elbowed him hard in the ribs as she walked to the bench for some water.

He went behind her, 'Y/N, hun, I'm sorry' he said kneeling in front of her. She refused to look at him, scared that she won't be able to hold up her stoic façade. It may not have been a big deal to others, but to her it meant a great deal and he knows it. Running into the fray anytime, anywhere, changes you. Little things matter.

'Look at me..' he said, turning her face with one finger, but trailed off as he saw hurt and betrayal in her eyes. He would kill anyone who hurt her, he's never had to of course, cause she is more than capable of doing that herself. The only people who could actually hurt her, were the ones who she opened up so vulnerably to. 'Forgive me Y/N, one last time... please...' he whispered.

'Do you care anymore Jace?' she spoke to him for the first time that day. Jace was taken aback by that, he cared, he cared more than anyone could imagine. 'Its been a few months since the Dark War Jace.. the war that made me lose everything, you are supposed to be my rock...I can't love you if you don't meet me halfway...' She said stoically. A terrible fear grew in Jace, worse than the fear of death... the fear of losing her.

'I love you, your are my sun and my moon. Do you think I could ever stop caring?' Jace stood up determined. 'Meet me in the Missions Hall in 5' he said. 'Jace-' Y/N began.

He cut her off though. 'Please... come' he said as her ran off. She did, of course she did. One last time before letting go. Alec, Simon , Izzy and Clary were there too, but they were... smiling?

Music played out of nowhere. Wait... she knew this song...A voice, beautiful in her memory as ever started singing to her. Jace.

When you feel your love's been taken
When you know there's something missing
In the dark, we're barely hanging on
Then you rest your head upon my chest
And you feel like there ain't nothing left
I'm afraid that what we had is gone

Then I think of the start
And it echoes a spark
And I remember the magic electricity
Then I look in my heart
There's a light in the dark
Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me
That I wanna keep
Please don't leave
Please don't leave

He stopped there, knelt down in front of her.

'Never again should those eyes fill up because of me... Every time I wake up next to you, I feel stronger. Every time you smile, I feel alive. Every time you make me watch those Disney movies, my dignity dies, but to hear you laugh is worth it. The sun and all the stars in this universe will die before I give up on our love. Will you, Y/N Y/L/N, do me the honour- or royally break my heart – and marry me?' He said, the great Jace Herondale was in tears, with a rose gold ring in his hand.

She hesitated, his heart shattered. Then she broke into the most beautiful smile ever, the warrior, the soldier, Y/N. 'You and me Herondale, to the end of days. I will marry you Jonathan' She says. That's all she had to say, he jumped up and picked her up into a hug.

He kissed her, not with aggressive Herondale passion, but with all the joy of this second chance. That's her Jace.

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