Death Wishes and Sorries ( Alec x sister reader / Jace x reader)

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The mortal war was over, I thought now at least I wouldn't have to worry about my brother and my boyfriend so much! Most definitely, I was wrong! I had gone to get comics with Simon when Izzy, my parabatai and my sister, texted me saying a bloodied up Jace and Alec were finally back from their insanely long mission.

Obviously, I decided to rush back to the institute. Simon said he'll take care of the comics I'd chosen, at least someone is nice! I was back at the institute as fast as New York rush would allow me. As I rushed to the medical wing, hoping and praying that those two idiots had the common sense to go here, no one questioned me. Once I reached there, I pushed the door open to find both Jace and Alec on consecutive beds while Izzy was talking to the nurse. Both of them smiled at me sheepishly while I shot them a glare making my way to Izzy.

"So... How bad is it?" I asked

"They'll be good enough for us to kick their asses again in about a week." She said, "you however, should talk to them" she added with that don't-you-dare-argue-with-me look.

I sighed and went up to them. I crossed my arms and stood in front of them, staring them down.

Alec gave in first and said, "would you stop that? We've already been beaten up enough."

"Yeah, Alec's right!" continued Jace like a little boy defending himself, "Izzy said our bleeding was only internal... that's where blood is supposed to be!". Alec cursed out loud as my eyes widened. "You guys ended up with internal bleeding!" I yelled.

"Would you please calm down? We're fine now, aren't we?" Alec said, trying his best to sound professional. He always seems to soften at anything his younger sisters say.

"That's the point Alec! You both could have died! Did you even consider how that would affect me and Iz after Max! I get that we are Shadowhunters, we can die any day, anytime; But that doesn't mean you roam around with a death wish u blithering idiots!"

As I realised what I had just said, a portal opened up in front of me and out came none other than Magnus Bane, my best friend, and possibly, my future brother-in-law. He looked at me and asked a little annoyed, "Why wasn't I informed!?". Seeing as I was in no mood for senseless bickering, he seemed to get a little serious, "What did you say?" he asked. "I might have gone to the extent of mentioning Max." I said with a sigh. I turn back to Alec and Jace and say, "Guys you know I didn't mean that, I'm sorry... its jus that I don't want y'all to die. Alec, you're the big brother I will always need and Jace, ... I'm in love with you for crying out loud!"

Alec, who was slightly less bloodied up than Jace walked up to me and held me. I buried my face into his jacket as I mumbled sorries over and over again.

"We know y/n" said Jace softer than before. He gestured me to come sit by his bed, which I did. "I'm sorry, the mortal war has affected you much more than anyone else, I'm sorry for not keeping that in mind. You know what, how about we do that movie night you've been planning since the day I met you?" he said. Iz squealed in excitement, "FINALLY!" she said. I looked at her and said, "in due time Izzy, first, I need to teach my boyfriend something called biology."

At that moment Clary walked in with Simon and my comics. "What did I miss?" she said, confusion written all over her face. Izzy let out a laugh before saying, "what did she miss she says...."

"Well then, since we've covered death wishes andsorries, how about some Cassata?" said Magnus in his usual nonchalant tone,before making his -as always- super cool exit.

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