chapter 1

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"I'm going to be late Mum, hurry up!", I called upstairs.
"I can't wait until you get your own car and move out", my Mum called down.
"Well this is why you need to come, I've found a place", I said happily.
"We've only been in LA for 5 months and you have already found a place?", my Mum asked curiously.
"Yeah, about one hour from here, thank god", I took my bag from the coat rack and stood next to the door. "I'm only kidding, but its a really nice place from what I could see in the photos", I reasured my Mother.
"As long as your happy with it, I don't mind how far or how it may look", Mum said coming down the stairs grining from ear to ear. "Sarah, can you get the car keys please, they should be near the hallway", Mum muffled as she put her shoes on.
I fumbled around to find the keys and then a glimmer of silver caught my eye, I grabbed the keys and rattled them so that Mum new that I had them.
The keys had a picture of me on it when I was 14 (not my best years) but I'm not the only child unfortunately, got two sisters and I'm the oldest. Their the most annoying things you could ever ask for but as soon as I leave home, no more arguing at least.
We moved here 5 months ago because we wanted a change of "scenery" was how Mum put it anyway, but I kinda like it here. I left school a year ago because things got a little heavy so that means I'm eighteen, yay, only turned it last month, March.
But I do like it here, the weather is so much better than England and I love how Americans talk (if that's not crazy). The food is amazing, the shops and there is so much to do. But me, I just stay at home and draw until my eyes start closing but other times I will sit and play my guitar and maybe sing a little. But when I do get out it really is amazing.
When I first came here I thought that it would be the worst experience of my life but now, that is starting to change.
Mum is finally ready to go at last, and I open the front door.
I wouldn't say that our house is big but, compared to our last house it is like a mansion. It has four bedrooms (one each, including my own bathroom), a massive kitchen (Mum loves it in there), a screening room ( which has the largest TV that I have ever seen in my entire life but Dad is always in there), the living room (which is just as big) and the back garden is not as big but I don't think we would really use it.
Mum walked to the car in her glossy heels, a burgundy skirt and a red silk blouse which moved every time she walked. My Mum is perfect, her long brown hair, a good figure (even after three kids), she's beautiful and then there is me, I have to cover my face with a load of make up just so that I don't look disgusting, Mum said I look beautiful but I seriously do not.
She put the keys into the ignition and the car roared to life.
"Maybe I should let you drive, its been a while since I have been in a car with you at the wheel", Mum gestured.
"That's because you looked scared to death the last time, am I really that bad? I only passed on the second attempt and that's better than you", I laughed and Mum smiled as I got out and sat at the wheel. I love driving, it means that I'm free and that I can do what I want, when I want but only when my car finally arrives.
"By the way Mum, I bought a car and it is coming tomorrow, just thought I would let you know", I said as I reversed.
"Look at where you are going and really? You have been doing a lot of things behind my back lately", Mum stared at me but I think she is happy for me inside.
"Well I want to be more independent and I really like the car, I went to go see it a few days ago with Faith, she likes it too", I reasured her but she smiled anyway.
The car journey only took about 45 minutes but I always love seeing the houses and people as I drive by. When we got there I noticed that my apartment is a few blocks away from this huge mansion, even bigger than my house, I wondered who lived there. I wanted to find out but I needed to sort out things for my apartment.
The landlord asked how I gathered up the money (a bit personal but I answered anyway) I just said that I had a good paying job and I saved up a lot, which was mainly true, I worked at this high end clothes shop and I was made assistant manager which made the money go through the roof. But I had to quit two years worth of working there to fly over to LA to live here. But I have found a job just as good that I got into a few weeks back.
We got showed around and even though it was small, it was meant for just me so I did not mind the size. I loved it, the apartment is just how I had dreamed it would be. It even has a space for me to write my blog, I do that in my spare time.
I wanted to take it there and then but there was still things to cover. I put down a deposit and left the apartment. My Mum let me drive back home.
We did not talk much but there was not anything to talk about really, but finally my mum said, "so that landlord seems nice and the apartment too, you really like it don't you", Mum put her warm hand on my shoulder but I kept my eyes on the road.
"Yeah, I do, I just want to make it mine already", I smiled and dreamt of myself living in there.
"I know you do but you haven't even got anything to put in there, at least it comes with the main things", Mum put her eyes on the road and nodded, I did too.
The ride back took longer than on the way there, at least that was what it seemed like. I opened the door and I walkes in, I saw my Dad sitting on the couch, watching the football in the screening room.
"Where did you two get off too?", Dad asked but keeping his eyes on the TV.
"I went with Sarah to see an apartment that she found", Mum said proudly. " and she has found a car too! The apartment was just her fit Dan!", Mum screamed in excitement.
"It's not that big of a deal you know", I hopped around trying to get my shoe off.
"Yes it is, of course it is. You have everything ready and your going to levae soon, only two to go Lou", Dad laughed and looked at me, I was still tying to get my shoes off.
"Love you too, I can't wait to get out of here", I laughed.
Nothing much happened for the rest of the day, only that Mum, Dad, my sisters and me had take out and then I went to my room to play the guitar and sing a little.
I cannot sing, I know I cannot sing but I do anyway nobody has ever heard me sing though. But it makes me happy, I never used to think that I would become a super star, I still do not now. It just calms me down.
I ended up writing a song and I drew a picture of I do not really know what it is but it is something along the lines of a forest.
Before bed I wrote up a blog post on a piece of clothing and some food, writing my blog cheers me up too, I started three years ago and now I just cannot get enough of it. People seem to really like it, I put all sorts of stuff on there.
I put on some old, baggy clothes and currled up into a ball (thats how I always sleep) and drifted of into a dream.

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