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The car rolled up to a nice house in the middle of a quiet neighborhood. My door opened and I stood up out of the back seat brushing my clothes off. "Welcome to your new home," My social worker Andie smiled at me. I just looked at her and gave her a soft smile. 

We made our way to the front door and knocked. A smiling couple opened the door and greeted us happily. "Welcome Aurora" The woman grinned. After Andie said her goodbyes and left me the couple sat me down.

"Okay so.. first we want to welcome you by saying that you are welcome to anything in the house and can do as you please. We won't be home very often due to our work travels but our live-in maid will be here 24/7." The man spoke. Just then an elderly woman who looked to be in her 60s entered the room.

"Aurora this is MaryAnn... MaryAnn this is Aurora"  The woman introduced us.

"How are you lovely?" The elderly woman spoke in an English accent and gripped me in a tight hug.

"I am fine and you?" I smiled.

"Wonderful" She beamed. "Come I'll show you to your room"


Present Day

I've finally finished unpacking. I arrived at the Smith's house on Thursday and it is now Sunday. I'm excited to start school tomorrow. I'm not normal I know. I can't help but be a little nervous though... I don't know anyone after all. 

"Rory... MaryAnn wanted me to tell you that lunch is ready" Mrs. Smith beamed from the door.

"Thank you Mrs. Smith" I smiled.

"Please, call me Beth. You can call my husband Dean" She giggled.

"Thank you...Beth" I nodded. It's crazy how after being in group homes and bounced around from foster families I finally had someone adopt me. At 17 years old. One more year and I wouldn't have needed an adoption at all. I am very grateful for the Smiths. 

I walked downstairs to where MaryAnn had my lunch set up at the table. I took a seat and looked down at the delicious-looking tuna sandwich and a glass of homemade lemonade.

"This looks delicious MaryAnn" I beamed at her as she replaced the dying flowers on the table with new ones.

"I hope you enjoy dear. I'm going to dust the foyer... if you need anything don't hesitate" She smiled.

"Thank you" I nodded and began to devour my lunch. 

»»————- ♔ ————-««

It's Monday morning and I've already started my walk to school. It's only a 20-minute walk so it won't take much longer for me to get there. While I was walking I heard the loud noise of a car zooming past as I watched the black vehicle disappear. 'I'm in my mom's car... vroom vroom' I giggled to myself. I watch entirely too much TikTok. My last foster home got me an iPhone for my 16th Birthday and their daughter Sofia and I used to watch a lot of TikTok together. Unfortunately, they were not able to adopt me. I miss Sof. 

After arriving at the school and getting my schedule I found my way to my first class. Literature has always been my best subject I love to read. I'm excited to see what we are going through this semester. It's January so the second semester just started. Hopefully, my being new won't draw too much attention since everyone else has known each other for half the school year or longer by now.

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