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I've been going to school here for a whole month now. It's crazy how time flies. Paisley and I have gotten close in such a short amount of time. She's been to the house a few times and I told her I was adopted. That's about all she knows about my personal life though. I don't feel comfortable talking about my real parents or the trauma I keep hidden from being in other foster homes. The only people who know are my social worker, Andie, the Smiths, and MaryAnn. I'm not sure how people would react if I told them everything. 

Aside from Paisley, the only person I've spoken to is Zeke. As usual, he's wishy-washy. Somedays we talk and others we don't. I'm not sure if he's bipolar or if he just doesn't like me but tries to be nice and can't keep it up. The only time he seems to talk is when we have to for a project or when he comes to the bookstore. 

Most days I work at the bookstore I'm alone putting up the books. Like today for instance. Cecil said he has a lot of returned books to scan through so he's in his office. I'm currently stacking up the new books that arrived yesterday. Cecil walked into the room to hand me some books to put away that he had finished scanning in.

"Rory?" He looked at me with bright eyes.

"Mhmm?" I hummed still focused on my task.

"What do you plan to do when you graduate?" He asked.

"Oh, I plan to go to school for nursing." I smiled at him.

"Isn't that lovely? What are doing to prepare for it now?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I was in the HOSA program at my old school and I help the school nurse sometimes during my free period," I explained putting up a few more books. 

"That's fantastic. See if you can rub some of that motivation and determination off on Zeke. The boy doesn't even try to think about what he wants to do" He sighed.

"I'm sure he will find something to motivate Cecil... just give him time" I winked.

"You know Rory. You are wise beyond your years" Cecil put his hand on my shoulder.

"Yes. Isn't she just perfect" Zeke said walking into the room.

"Zeke... I thought you were busy today?" Cecil looked surprised.

"Yeah well... plans change" He sighed picking up a box of books and carrying them to where I was.

"Well I'll leave you kids to it" Cecil grinned.

"I'm not perfect," I said softly.

"What?" Zeke furrowed his brows.

"I said I'm not perfect" I grew kind of frustrated and I think he can tell.

"Yeah okay Princess" He scoffed.

"What makes you say I am?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Well for starters you're rich... your parents have so much money you work here for free. Who fucking does that? You make good grades. You're never in a bad mood. You think positively about literally every fucking thing and I mean just look at you...." He started to raise his voice slightly gesturing to me. If he wasn't coming off so condescending I would be flattered.

"You're the perfect cookie-cutter girl and I hate that. It's fucking obnoxious." He spat. I just stood there not knowing what to say. I'm shocked. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes as I started having flashbacks to how my old foster dad would yell at me and tell me how good I had it and how I was lucky to have him after he hit me. But I can't cry in front of him. I blinked hard trying to push them away and one tear escaped. I quickly wiped it so he wouldn't see but it didn't go unnoticed. 

The Devils Princess (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now