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The next day I rode my bike to school and chained it to the bike rack up front. I'm running a little late this morning because I overslept. I sped through the hallways walking as fast as I could to get to literature before the bell rang not wanting to be late on just my second day. I walked in breathing heavily and the only seats available were on either side of Zeke. I sighed and took my seat next to him. He looks angry as I've noted he usually does.

"Hi.... you must be new" I heard a soft voice to the left of me.

"Uhh yeah hi" I smiled at the girl. She has blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. She was smiling at me like I had just given her the best compliment. "Are you? I don't remember seeing you yesterday." I stated.

"Oh no," She laughed. "I  was absent yesterday. I'm Paisley" She grinned.

"Aurora but you can call me Rory" I smiled back.

"Alright class. Start your silent reading please" Ms. P spoke up.

Throughout the reading, I kept catching Zeke glancing at me. I don't know what his deal is or why he's looking at me. I felt my face turn red with embarrassment when I looked over and met his eyes once.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

"So where are you from?" Paisley asked me sitting down beside me at lunch.

"Originally... Gatlinburg" I smiled.

"Well, what brings you here?" She questioned.

"My parents" Was all I said not wanting to go too into detail.

"Do you like it so far?" She took a bite of her burger.

"Yeah, it's quiet" I took a bite of mine as well.

"Got your eye on any cute boys" She wiggled her eyebrows. As if on cue I saw Zeke enter across the lunch room and my eyes moved up to him.

"Not Zeke Langston for sure..." She gasped.

"What? No" I felt my face burn with embarrassment.

"Good he's bad news" She looked back to her plate.

"What do you mean?" I was curious now.

"Well, he's got some anger issues. He gets in trouble a lot for fighting and other things, and I just hear bad things about him but most of them could just be made up you know?" She shrugged.

"Well, I don't know... I do find him interesting just because he's so different from me but I don't have my eyes on him, as you put it earlier" I smiled.

"Mhmmm well he sure looks at you a lot" She grinned.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah, I noticed in literature. He kept looking while you were reading" She laughed.

"He probably just thinks I'm annoying. I talked his head off in Astronomy yesterday" I laughed and she giggled along with me.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

I entered Astronomy and took my seat next to Zeke who was relaxed back in his chair with his arms crossed.

"Do you ever... I don't know. Not look grumpy?" I raised an eyebrow as I sat my bag down next to my chair. No answer. "Right" I sighed.

"Alright, class I'm going to hand out a sheet with vocabulary words. I just need you to open your book and take notes on the definitions." Mr. Bates said as he handed out the sheets. As we took down the notes the class talked quietly amongst themselves.

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