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I've been sitting in this room all weekend. I don't want to go out and be with these people I don't know and I can't leave the house without one of them. The only person I've had any conversation with since my talk with Zeke is Nico. He's nice and he brings me food. I feel comfortable around him like I know he's not going to hurt me. Speaking of the Devil. Haha, get it.... Cuz that's the name of their gang. 'Shut up Aurora' I snapped myself out of it.

"Good morning Princesa" Nico walked in.

"Good morning" I smiled.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"I don't have much of an appetite," I said turning to look back out the window.

"Are you feeling okay?" He sounded concerned.

"Besides the feelings I have about my adoptive parents using me as a ploy, getting kidnapped, and finding out that one of the only friendships I've made here was all a lie.... I feel great" I rolled my eyes.

"Hey if it makes you feel any better you will be treated like royalty here since you're marrying Zeke and all" he tried to sound enthusiastic.

"I'm not marrying him," I said standing up angrily from the bench that is in front of my window.

"Right," he laughed nervously. "Umm..." he paused scratching his head. "Coming!" He scrambled to get out of the room quickly.

If that jerk thinks we are getting married he has another thing coming. Maybe if I tell him the Smiths' true intent he will call it off. I walked out of my room and straight to Zeke's office across the hall. I banged on the door. No answer. I banged again.

"Zeke I need to talk to you" I spoke through the door and right as I went to knock again the door opened.

"What?" He said turning to walk back to his desk.

"I need to talk to you," I said shutting the door.

"Well..." He urged looking at the papers on his desk like he was working on something.

"Well first did you know who I was when we first met?" I asked.

"No," He said not looking up from his papers.

"When did you figure it out?" I asked. He looked up at me hesitantly and then looked back to the papers.

"When you told me your name was Aurora I kind of figured but I wasn't sure until I took you home the first time" He sighed like he couldn't be bothered with this conversation.

"So when you yelled at me you knew who I was and still went on a rant about how good I had it?" I said growing aggravated.

"NO!" He slammed his hand on the desk and I jumped.

"I knew you were my arranged fiancé but I knew nothing about your life or that you were adopted. I just assumed things and I shouldn't have" He spoke in a softer tone.

"Okay well, I'm not sure what the right thing is here... I'm assuming the Smiths must be bad people since they only adopted me for power and the man that kidnapped me knew some information about them." I spoke unsure about what I should do. To be fair Zeke hasn't proved himself a good person either but that doesn't mean I should let the Smiths kill him. Zeke was staring at me like he was telling me to continue.

"Russo told me that the Smith's plan was for you to marry me making the Devils just as much my gang as yours. Then they were going to kill you and use me to take over the Gang giving themselves all the power." I paused.

"What? That doesn't make any sense. Their gang is small and weak. They need me for protection." He scoffed.

"Russo said they're secretly on the rise" I sighed. "I know I don't know much about this stuff but do you think Russo's gang and the Smith's gang might have merged or something?" I raised an eyebrow. Zeke just sat with a constipated look on his face.


"You have a point. I'll take care of it" He waved me off.

"What do you mean... you will take care of it?" I asked confused.

"I mean I'll take care of it," He said not paying me any attention anymore so I got up and left.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

It's been a week since I was kidnapped and I'm still getting used to living with Zeke. Nico, Zeke, and I just got back from getting the rest of my things from the Smith's house. They weren't there thankfully and I got to say goodbye to Maryann. I'm going to miss her. We've grown very close in the month and a half I lived with them. She's moving back home since the Smiths don't need her there for me anymore. I just finished unpacking when there was a knock on my door.

"Hey, since your concussion is gone we should start your training," Zeke said walking into the room.

"Training for what?" I asked confused.

"Well if someone decides to kidnap you again you should at least know how to defend yourself." He crossed his arms leaning up against the wall.

"I doubt I'll need to considering I can't go anywhere alone" I rolled my eyes.

"You have alone time. Don't be so dramatic." Zeke mimicked my eye-roll.

"Please. You or Nico are everywhere I go. Nico doesn't dare let me out of his sight. He would even shower with me if I let him" I crossed my arms and looked at him. His jaw clenched and he walked towards me.

"No he wouldn't," He said lowly almost coming out like a growl. I just looked up at him and then looked back away to finish folding my clothes.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

"Okay so come at me like I'm a threat" Zeke instructed.

"You are a threat" I rolled my eyes.

"Please, if I wanted to hurt you it'd be done by now" He scoffed. "Now come on"

I mustered up as much strength as I could and came at him full force. In one swift movement, he had me lying on my back and pinned me to the floor. I squiggled a little trying to get out of his hold.

"I wouldn't do that," Zeke said looking down at me and I felt my face heat up. Zeke stood up and held his hand out to me. I swatted his hand away. "I can do it myself," I said. He looked at me confused and I instantly felt bad. I've never been so sassy to anyone but he just makes me And not in the way that makes me wanna do things with him.

"Alright princess let's try the punching bag yeah?" He winked at me.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

After long hours in the gym, we finally got back to the house. I went straight to my room to shower. Over the past week, I've made acquaintance with the other guys that live here. I'm still not comfortable with being the only female that lives in this house but at least I'm getting to know everyone better. I finished my shower and limped downstairs. My legs are so sore from the gym. I haven't had that much physical activity since I took gymnastics like 6 years ago. I got to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge.

"Why are you walking so funny?" Blake laughed.

"I had a long session at the gym" I squinted.

"Mhmmm the gym" Blake grinned as Zeke walked in and I looked at Blake confused.

"Are you sure you aren't limping from riding something?" Blake beamed at Zeke.

"What? Why would I be sore from riding something?" I asked confused.

"He's implying that we fucked" Zeke said rolling his eyes.

"wha-I-um" I stuttered turning red.

"Relax Ror I'm kidding" Blake smiled a cheesy grin.

"Right umm. I'm gonna go to my room" I laughed awkwardly. I limped as quickly as I could out of the kitchen.

"What?" I heard Blake whisper like Zeke was giving him a death glare or something.

┌─── ・ 。゚★: *.☪ .* :☆゚. ───┐

A/N: Hey Lovelies!

I'm sorry this chapter is so short I'm having major writer's block.

- 𝓛𝓪𝓢𝓱𝓮𝓪 εïз

└─── ・ 。゚★: *.☪ .* :☆゚. ───┘

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