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I've been living with Zeke and the rest of the gang for a while now and oddly I'm starting to feel at home. I've gotten so used to everyone here. I still despise Zeke. I feel like he's taking my whole high school and teenage life away. I didn't have much of a childhood and now I'm going to miss out on things I should be doing as a high schooler. I go to school, come home, and train, I've also been baiting with Paisley twice. Zeke won't even let me go to Prom. The only somewhat normal thing I get to do is help Cecil at the Library on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Cecil is so kind. I don't see how he is related to Lucifer.

"Aurora are you ready?" Zeke said entering the room I was stacking books in for Cecil.

"speaking of the devil," I said under my breath.

"You and Paisley have something to do tonight so I need you to hurry up," Zeke spoke.

"Now now. Her friend can wait. Rory is spending time with her favorite old man" Cecil said walking into the room.

"Yeah, besides it's Thursday and we have school tomorrow. These plans can't wait until this weekend?" I crossed my arms.

"Prom is this weekend" Zeke reminded me.

"And? You- I mean my parents said I couldn't go" Good recovery... I don't know if Cecil knows about everything. I mean maybe he does. I don't know.

"Yes, but I spoke with them and they agreed to allow it" He said and I realized judging by his cover that Cecil does not know.

"Oh really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. There's one condition though" He started. Of course, there is.

"I have to be your date" He smirked. I looked at him with squinted eyes. Why am I not surprised?

"Deal," I said. He looked at me shocked like he expected me to argue or say I wasn't going. He wants to play games well I can play too. Maybe he likes forcing me to do things... What if I acted like nothing bothered me?

"Deal? You still want to go?" He said smugly.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked and he just looked confused. 

I finished up what I needed to do for Cecil and waved him goodbye. Zeke and I got in his car and we went back to the house so I could change.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

Paisley and I changed and did our make-up before we walked downstairs to where Zeke, Zero, Blake, Gunnar, and Nico all waited for us. 

"You look amazing!" I looked at Paisley in her black dress.

"Girl so do you!" She squealed. "Now let's go stop some bad guys." She giggled.

"But we kind of are bad guys too" I sighed.

"But in a good way. The guys we go after are like the ones your foster dad was" She put a hand on my shoulder.

"You're right." It makes me feel better knowing I'm stopping these guys from hurting innocent girls. 

We gave ourselves a final look in the mirror.

We gave ourselves a final look in the mirror

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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