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A/N: Before you read this chapter I just want to note that Aurora talks about some pretty bad things that happened to her. If you are triggered by abuse or sexual assault I wouldn't read this chapter. 

- 𝓛𝓪𝓢𝓱𝓮𝓪 εïз

Now that I am basically under witness protection I have to ride to and from school with Zeke. It's not ideal but I'm telling you it's better than riding that bike. When we pulled up to school and I got out I felt everyone staring at us. I don't like attention...especially not from this many people. I walked ahead trying to get away from Zeke.

"Woah where are you going?" Zeke said walking faster to catch up.

"Away from you," I say.

"What's got your princess panties in a twist" He smirked and I stopped dead in my tracks and faced him.

"I've been kidnapped, my adoptive parents turned out to suck and YOU.... don't even get me started on you," I said walking away.

"Aurora!" He followed me.

"Is that my bestie?" I heard a girl shriek from my left.

"Hey Paisley" I smiled."

"Where the hell have you been? I thought you had been kidnapped....or murdered." She giggled.

"Something like that" I laughed.

"Why is he looking at you like that?" She whispered.

"We are disagreeing," I told her.

"She knows Paisley" Zeke spoke up. I stopped and looked between them. What is he talking about?

"She knows about everything so you can stop pretending to be clueless" Zeke rolled his eyes.

"Wait what?" I furrowed my brows.

"I- uh" Paisley hesitated.

"You're in his gang aren't you?" I crossed my arms.

"Yes but-" She started.

"Screw you guys" I scoffed walking away.

"Rory wait!" Paisley called behind me but I ignored her.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

I spent the whole school day ignoring Paisley and Zeke didn't even make an effort. It's like he understands that I just need space. Or he doesn't care. After school, I trained with Nico because Zeke had work to do. Nico is funny and he's easy to be around. After we got back from training I ate a salad and had a smoothie and came up to my room. Ever since then I just showered and have been writing in my journal.

I tucked my journal back between my mattress and sat there in comfortable silence when someone knocked on the door.  

"Go away," I said barely loud enough for them to hear but the door opened anyway.

"Rory can I talk to you" Paisley spoke softly.

"Do you even want to be my friend or was it all to keep tabs on me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Rory... I had no clue who you were when we first met. I wanted to be your friend. After I found out who you were I felt horrible that I was lying to you but I couldn't tell you the truth. I could've been killed for that" She sighed.

"So what exactly do you do?" I questioned.

"I kind of bait bad guys and lure them to their death," She said with a tight lip.

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