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I just finished putting up my laundry when I heard a knock at the door. I walked downstairs and opened the door being greeted with beautiful brown eyes.

"Zeke? What are you doing here?" I asked confused. 

"It's Saturday and I have nothing going on until later so I figured I would come see my only friend" He smirked.

"Oh so now we're friends?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You know my secrets. We are friends now even if you don't like it" He leaned up against the door and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine... come in bestie," I said sarcastically.

"Don't mind if I do" He said walking in. "Wow, so this is it huh?" 

"This is it," I said gesturing around the living room and kitchen area.

I was about to open my mouth to speak when someone started knocking on the door.

"Now who is this?" I walked towards the door confused. I opened the door and I saw blonde hair fly past me.

"Rory... Jack finally asked me on a date and I panicked and told him I was hanging out with you today." She panicked. "Oh Hi, Zeke" She interrupted herself walking over to the couch. "What do I do," she said faceplanting into the couch pillow. Zeke just looked at me confused.

"Well for starters you're going on the date. If it makes you feel better I'll go. Just tell him it's a double date and to make it less awkward I'll bring Zeke" I said crossing my arms.

"Me?" Zeke questioned.

"Yeah... you're already here. Might as well" I smiled. 

"You guys are the best" She jumped up and called Jack.

"Okay we will meet you there" She hung up. "We are meeting him at Lorenzo's" She faced us grinning.

"Sounds great... I could go for some pizza" I smiled.

"Can I talk to you real quick?" Paisley looked at me.

"Yeah sure" I smiled.

"I mean privately" She laughed awkwardly.

"Oh right," I giggled and pulled her up to my room.

"What is up with you and Zeke" She gasped as soon as my door shut.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Don't act slow with me Aurora Elizabeth Casey" She pointed.

"We are friends" I beamed.

"You got a guy like THAT to be friends with a girl like YOU" She crossed her arms and I looked at her taken aback.

"You know what I mean. He's a trouble maker and you're you know... you" She gestured to me.

"Can everyone stop acting like I'm some perfect princess goodie two-shoes" I rolled my eyes.

"But... you are. Sorry. I love you but you guys are just so different from each other" She put her hands on my shoulders.

"He's nice...ish and the only friend I have besides you" I sighed.

"Well if he's ever anything other than nice-ish let me know and I'll rip his dick off and sew it to his forehead." She smiled and I just looked at her wide-eyed.

"Aye aye captain" I laughed.

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