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"Zeke your father wants to speak to you" Nico one of my men (I guess you can consider us friends since we've known each other since we were kids) enters the room.

"Thank you, Nico," I say as he leaves and I follow him. I walk into my father's room where he lies in bed and is hooked up to IVs and Oxygen.

"My son. How are things going?" He asks as I close the door.

"As planned Father" I looked at the man who shortened his life from all the drinks and smoking he couldn't resist.

"And the girl?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Doesn't know a thing" I sighed.

"Let's keep it that way.... for now" He pondered on his thoughts.

"Graduation is just around the corner and I plan to have your leadership ceremony shortly after. The men are already adjusting to your leadership very well" He reminded me. "If there's any snags in the plan be sure I am the first to know" He urged.

"Will do" I said exiting the room.

»»————- ♔ ————-««


I finished my last stack of books at the bookstore and started dusting the shelves. Zeke didn't come today so the hours went by pretty slowly. 

"Rory if you go now you can make it home before dark" Mr. Cecil pressed. He's been trying to get me to leave for an hour now.

"I know. I was just trying to finish up so I wouldn't have much to do on Tuesday" I smiled.

"Rory dear. Tomorrow is Friday. Go home and start making plans for the weekend. You're young, enjoy it now." He pressed.

"Okay okay" I smiled. "See you Tuesday" I waved. 

I got on my bike and made it down the street when I noticed a car had been following me. I started to get paranoid so I peddled faster and cut down an Alleyway. When I got to the end of the Alley a van pulled up blocking the exit and 3 men jumped out grabbing me. I tried to scream but before I could something flew over my mouth and nose and I felt myself slip from consciousness. 

»»————- ♔ ————-««

I woke up lying on a cold concrete floor. I looked around and the room was empty and dimly lit with green fluorescent lights. There's only one way in and out of this room and I'm sure whoever took me is out there. I sat and realized my wrists were in chains that clung to the wall. What am I doing here? Why me? The thoughts swirled in my head.

"Aurora," A man said walking into the room. I sat quietly afraid to speak up.

"I am Russo the leader of Ghost Riders." He introduced himself.

"W-what do you want from me?" I said hesitantly.

"Ahhh the million dollar question. You see Rory... can I call you Rory?" The man paused but it sounded like he wasn't asking.

"You see your little boyfriend... Zeke. He threatened me a few nights ago. I plan to take over his father's gang before he can become the leader. The only way I can buy myself more time is to get rid of you" He leaned in closer to me.

"How do I have anything to do with this? I don't know what you're talking about" I looked at him like he was insane.

"Oh, sweet Rory. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are leaders of a small gang that is recently on the rise. Zeke doesn't know this of course. The Smiths have him fooled into believing that they need help and protection. What does this have to do with you of course? Zeke's father is dying and Zeke will soon take over the Devil's. It's tradition for the new leader of the Devils to be married before their leadership ceremony. That's where you come into play my dear. The Smiths have offered you to The Devils in return for 'protection'." He smirked.

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