Chapter 15

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Bakugou pov
I waited excitedly for my mom to come I decided while I was waiting i was playing with mr. Scruffeles but after awhile deku came in "hey kachan can you come to the common room the class and I need to ask you something" he said a bit worried I was a bit confused but nodded I held mr. Scruffeles and followed deku to the common room.

When we got there the whole class was there they had a serious expression on "Uhm what's going on?" I asked I held mr. Scruffeles tightly against my chest.

"We wanted to asked you something about Uhm well your behaviour" lida said seriously I was really confused I sat down in front of them on the floor "what's wrong with it?" I asked as I hugged mr. Scruffeles tighter "well Uhm we think you might have something baby" momo said I started to get mad cause I didn't understand them.

But as they were going to continue the door knocked I quickly got up and opened it was my mom I hugged her tightly which for me is pretty odd I guess.

"Oh well hi baby" she said as she hugged me back I then quickly pulled her into the common room "come on come on tell them tell them!" I yelled happily she smiled softly at me "well then hello oh-"She stoped as she saw there expression I pouted "come on mommy tell them the stories" I wined she looked a bit shocked.

"Alright honey can you wait a minute for me I have to talk to your friends a bit ok" my mom said I nodded sadly she kissed my forehead then went beside them they started whispering so I couldn't here them.

But after awhile they were done mommy was frowning she looked at me with a sad smile they then all went back to there happy mood "alright then which story do you want me to tell them first" she said then picked me up and placed me on her lap I was a bit surprised but giggled.

"Mmmm the tooth fairy tell them about the tooth fairy!" I said happily they all smiled at me "Alright then well one night when kat was uhm six I think-"I interrupted mommy "I saw magical fairy dust all over my room!" I said excitedly after awhile of telling stories.

"Katsuki mommy needs to talk to you ok"mommy said I nodded she then picked me up and we went to my room I don't know why but I like being picked up it's nice when we got to my room we sat on my bed.

"Katsuki have you noticed anything different about your behaviour?" She asked I thought for a bit then nodded "mhm I can't sleep without mr. Scruffeles  and I've been having a lot of accidents" I said as I fiddled with mr. Scruffeles "oh baby hey I think I know the reason why Well your friends knew" mommy said I looked at her confused.

"What is it?" I asked she then picked me up and placed me on her lap "do you know what age regression is?" I thought for a bit then shook my head " well it means when your brain regresses to a younger mindset" I was still confused "so what happens?" I asked her again.

"Well you start acting like a kid it's a good thing don't worry ok"mommy said I nodded my head.

Well this story just took a turn and I don't really like it so I might delete this later maybe

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