Chapter 19

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Bakugou pov
"Deku!!!" I yelled as I barged into the common room "uh-kachan!?! What's wrong?" He asked sitting up straight i huffed "where the hell is mr. Scruffles!" I whined.

He smiled softly at me opining his arms ,I sat on his lap as he wrapped his arms around me "it's ok kachan we'll find him" i pouted as I started tearing up "*sniff* I wan mr.scwuffles..." he kissed my cheek.

*it's ok baby we'll find him" he calmed me down as I cuddled into him "you feeling little?" He asked as he gently rocked me I nodded ,he smiled picking me up " let's get you out of these big boy clothes then" I nodded .

He took me to my room laying me down on the changing table "can you tell me how old you are?" He asked with a smile giving me my paci I nodded putting the pacifier in my mouth and showed him three fingers he smiled at me "good job baby" I giggled

He then changed me into a pull up and comfy pjs cause it was almost nap time "there you go, all nice and comfy uh-" he suddenly stopped spotting something on the floor "oh! It's mr. Scruffles hehe here you go kachan!"

I smiled snuggling into mr.Scruffles I was finally able to take my much needed nap after a few cuddles and kisses from deku of course.

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