Chapter 20

370 15 1

Denki pov

Train with tokoyami check
Laundry check.
Eat leftover Mac n cheese check
Homework check
Sort Pokémon cards check
Take out trash check

I finished my checklist for the day and I didn't expect to finish it this early dinner is in an hour and I'm bored as hell. So like any normal teenager I decided to hang out with my friends as in I planned to , but of course that didn't work out "minaaaaa come on please? I asked everyone and they all declined!!".

She huffed "denki sweetie I'm clearly busy" I blinked staring at her confused "these curls aren't going to straighten themselves" she said as she went back to working in her hair I hugged and started heading out "wait!".

I quickly stopped as hope flourished in my chest "can you check on kat please?" I quickly frowned "yeah sure" I dragged myself towards his room that's when I figured out that he might want to hang out...if I don't bother him as in.

I knocked on the door to hear the sweetest 'come in!!' I smiled when I heard it 'he must of slipped' I thought to myself "hey their buddy" I said walking in he huffed "I'm not little idiot" he pouted as he placed his doll down "oh" I looked at him confused ,but shook it off as I sat down beside him.

"Whatcha doin man?" I sat down beside him looking at the toys sprawled across the floor "it's spa day" he said as he grabbed a towel laying it in front of both of us "oh yeah?" He nodded and grabbed the bowl filled with water.

"I'm gonna fix their hair and change their outfits" he got up and started grabbing more dolls that's when I noticed the bulge "yeah kat? You wearing your diaper?" He placed his dolls on the towel, a dark red blush painted his face "yeah.... Stupid deku said I have to wear it while I'm playing to avoid accidents"

I smirked "and you listened to him?" I started giggling at his expression "shut it!" He huffed "I'm taking this stupid thing off!" He yelled I quickly got up stumbling a bit "w-wait!" I fell on the ground face first.

"Owwwww" I groaned he stopped and stared at me ,I held my face in my hands "you ok?" He bent down , I groaned in pain as I felt my nose bleed " e-ehh" I heard him squeak "here" I felt tissues being placed on my nose "ow" I winced as I slowly say up holding the tissues to my nose.

He sat down and stared at me "does it hurt?" He asked while fiddling with the hem of his shirt lifting it up a bit making me able to see the top of his diaper. Now that I think of it he looks adorable.

"Ugh yeah" I groaned "you don't look ok" he pulled his knees to his chest staring at his feet "yeah I'm not feeling *wince* the best..." I gently held onto the tissue in my hand wincing slightly when I push to hard on my bruising nose.

"Do you want ice?" He mumbled "nah I'm good" I chuckled lightly trying to lighten up the mood , I heard faint sniffles come from him that got me worried "hey you ok?" I asked coming closer, he lifted his bed up and I saw his big teary eyes "sorry..." I could tell he was slipping.

I sighed and gave him a soft smile "it's ok little man it wasn't your fault, I'm just really clumsy sometimes" I chuckled "b-but you fewl becauws I was bein bad" he mumbled "oh kat no it's ok for you not to like wearing protection while your big it's completely understandable" as I said that he started crying.

"Eh- kat seriously it's nothing to cry about" I laughed sheepishly "Nu it's not that!" He stared at the ground looking frustrated "then what is it?" I asked hesitantly "Deku was right I-I did need it.." he mumbled. I blinked trying to understand what he meant my eyes then landed on the bulge between his legs that seemed bigg- oh.

"Oh Kat hey it's ok it's ok" I stuffed the tissue in my nose as gently as possible but it still made me wince, I then placed him on my lap to try and calm him down "calm down buddy let's get you changed" he sniffled and looked up at me "do you know how to change me?" He asked me with his wife innocent eyes staring right at me.

I looked away as a blush kept into my cheeks "to be completely honest I have no idea but I'm sure midoriya can do it" he held onto me "Kay..." he mumbled in my chest I gently got up removing him from my lap which made him whine and pout frustratingly "it feels icky" he mumbled "and I have a bloody nose so I can't pick you up without fainting".

He stomped his foot "I don't wike it!!" I chuckled ruffling his hair "then you shouldn't have went potty little man" as I began talking to myself I didn't notice kat starting to take off his diaper by himself "Ay hey kat let's not do that" he started crying I tried putting his pants back on but it didn't work.

He managed to get the tabs of the diaper off and his wailing calmed down slightly "calm down I'm gonna change you!! Or at least try..." I quickly started rummaging around his room trying to find the supplies ,when I found then I quickly went back and saw kat standing with his fingers in his mouth silently crying as he stared at his soiled diaper that laid on the ground.

I sighed and picked it up "icky icky!!" He yelled stomping his foot "alright alright I'll clean you up calm down!" I yelled he kept crying as I threw the diaper a way and laid down the changing mat "come on buddy" he laid on the mat whining in discomfort ,which I don't understand why cause he literally ripped the diaper off of him, what the hell is bothering him , the air?

I wiped him up and powdered him maybe to much though I then put him in another diaper "their all clean" I sighed ,he giggled happily "messy!" He pointed at me , turns out I did put to much baby powder got it all over me.

I made a long chapter ,I'm proud of myself 😌

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