Chapter 21

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Bakugou pov

"I've gathered you all here for an important discussion!" I yelled as I walked in circles, they all nodded as I heard some chuckles and awed I frowned at that "but it seems some of you aren't taking this seriously!" I yelled again stopping and staring at my classmates they giggled and straightened their back.

I huffed "I- don't want to be little anymore..." I mumbled fiddling with the hem of my shirt, I heard multiple gasps "w-what!?! Why?" Uraraka yelled "c-cause I wanna be a big boy like you guys..." I said nervously looking at them "oh honey you don't have to force yourself" Momo said as they all went up to me I sighed.

"I'm not... I really really reeeeaaaaallly! Want to be a big boy! I had fun being a baby but I can't stay like this forever" I gave them a big smile to show them I was ok "are you positive this is what YOU want and no one is forcing you" lida asked I nodded "mhm! I wanna be a big boy!!" I stomped my foot I heard some giggles "hmmm how about we do it slowly ok?" I looked at koda confused "what do you mean?" I asked.

"Koda's right kachan you're currently a baby so how about you be a toddler and then will slowly build up, ok?" Deku said sweetly as he ruffled my hair, i pouted "but wanna be big boy now..." I mumbled he chuckled and picked me up "I think suki's just to little for that now" i pouted as he patted my diapered butt.

"Fiiiiiinnne" I wined hugging him closely "good boy"he cooed I giggled "should we start by potty training him?" Momo asked "potty?" I asked looking at deku he held onto me tighter "that's right little one that's a big step to being a big boy" I bounced happily "yeah potty potty!" I chanted happily.

They made a plan to help me be a big boy again, and while they were planing and making my training potty I was playing hide and seek with Mina and tsu! After a while of playing I felt someone pick me up from behind "guess who~" I giggled "shosho!!" I clapped happily he smiled giving me a kiss on my cheek "are you ready?" He asked as he took me to the bathroom where Momo, iida, deku, Uraraka, kiri, denki, and jirou were setting everything up.

"Hiiiii" I yelled happily as we entered they all smiled and said hello back, shoto set me down and I stared at my training potty it was like a normal toilet but without the scary hole that looks like it never ends and probably has monsters in it oh! And it doesn't make a scary noise to!!

"Pretty" i pointed at it they all smiled "sweetie any time you feel like you need to go potty you tell one of us and you'll sit here and do it ok?" Momo said I was confused "why?" I asked they looked around for the right answer "well being a big boy means you can't wear diapers you have to wear big boy underwear and use the potty" she explained "b-but sometimes I don know when I go potty" I mumbled looking at the ground.

"It's ok suki it'll take some time ok?" Deku said I nodded happily "now does the baby need to go potty?" I thought for a bit and nodded, they took my diaper off and sat me on the potty I sat there staring at them "well..." kami said looking around awkwardly "hmm I don't think he needs to go?" Kiri said I shook my head " no stay!" I yelled holding onto the potty.

"Hmmm suki try pushing a bit as if you're trying to go poo" Deku said bending over a bit, I nodded and pushed but nothing came out "looks like he doesn't need to go, but I think he got the idea of it right suki?" Jirou asked I nodded "no potty" I said getting up I was gonna walk away when they quickly stopped me and put me back in my diaper "we should buy him some pull ups" Uraraka said as shoto picked me up.

Time skip~

"Kiri Kiri potty!!" I yelled as I held my arms up he quickly picked me up taking me to the potty and placed me down "uh- kat you already went" he sighed I looked at him confused, I wasn't supposed to go? "Baby you're supposed to go potty in this" he pointed to the potty I nodded "bu- but I said potty?" He chuckled "you say potty when you feel like you need to go potty not when you did it ok?" I huffed "Kay..." I mumbled.

It was so so hard!! I kept on going potty in my diaper and that made me sad cause big boys don't do that! The diaper was so soft and secure it only felt right to go when I needed to.

I started tearing up its been two days and I still haven't used the potty! "Eh - baby what's wrong? *kerro*" tsu said as she hugged me "i-I- went potty again!!" I cried she gently rubbed my back "shhh it's ok suki it happens" I cried into her chest "b-b-but am bein a bad boy! Momo said I hafta go in the potty!" I cried she gently rocked Me "let's get you changed *ribbit*" she gave me a sweet smile as she got up "do you think you can still use the potty?" She asked I blinked.

"Uh huh I need to go numbuh two" I mumbled wiping my tears as I felt the urge to pop get stronger "then come on quickly!" She whisper yelled I quickly followed her and went to the the bathroom sitting on the potty as I was about to release she quickly took my diaper off, and I finally did it!! I went in the potty!!

I smiled "I did it!!" I yelled happily some of the class heard and started coming into the bathroom "awww good job suki you did it!" Mina cooed I smiled happily "am big boy now!" I got up ,they quickly stopped me and wiped my butt , making me giggle "you did so good suki" Deku said giving me a kiss on my head I smiled reaching for him "should we put a pull up on him or keep him in a diaper for now?" Jirou asked "pull up!" I yelled they all chuckled and put a pull up on me, deku picked me up.

I washed my hands and I got lots of praise and kissies I still have accidents at night but at least I'm not in a diaper anymore cause I'm a big boy now!!

The last part reminded me of a pull up commercials 😂 "I'm a big kid now!" If you know you know.

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