Chapter 16: Farewell, Good Knight. Farewell.

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"Who would want her dead?" Marcus asks

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"Who would want her dead?" Marcus asks.

"Too many to count." Lincoln replies, hearing Marcus' question as he and Octavia walk over.

Rory nods her head in agreement. "Her biggest threat is Azgeda, it always has been. She's already tried to pin it on Atlas and Arcas. But, neither of them did this and they're the only known Azgedans in the village. I think it's unlikely this came from Haiplana Nia." She explains. "There's the alliance, too. It was a huge risk for her, she put her neck on the line for us. A lot of her people, the good majority of them, didn't want her to go through with it."

"Especially with what Finn did at this village. You saw what it was like when we entered, the reception we got. She had Gustus attack an innocent man. She isn't the most popular leader in this village right now." Lincoln's eyes fall onto Rory.

"Rory is." Marcus answers, looking over at her too.

"Yes. Yes, she is." Lincoln nods. "We all saw the same thing as each other earlier. We all saw the people of TonDC shifting from Lexa to Rory. She showed kindness, humility, passion. Actual emotions. She showed she would do whatever she could to right the wrongs of her people and put TonDC above Skaikru and her own connections when needed."

"But, if they all love Ro," Bellamy says, overhearing the conversation and making his way over to them, "would someone from the village risk her life to take Lexa's?"

Octavia shakes her head. "No, they wouldn't do that. If they'd succeeded in getting rid of Lexa, but killed Rory too, there's a huge chance their next leader would be worse than Lexa. It had to be someone trying to, ultimately, break the alliance, right?"

"Or someone who doesn't like how much power I have, how much support I have." Rory mutters, looking between her friends. "They poison the alcohol, plant the vial on Raven in the chaos. Either the alcohol takes me out and the issue is resolved, or it takes out Lexa. The alliance falls either way and so does my power because I'm either dead or blamed for Lexa's death."

"They would've needed access to the bottle to poison it. They must've been part of the convoy, it would've been the only way for them to get close." Bellamy says. He folds his arms and leans back against the table. "But if they are, they're with Lexa all the time, they'd know Gustus would test the drink."

"No one other than myself came anywhere near the bottle." Marcus tells them.

The group of them are all silent for a few seconds, stumped as to how things really played out. They think over what they just discussed, trying to find any areas they have left unturned but come up with nothing. Just as Rory is about to suggest a new approach, the main door swings open. A few seconds later, the gate at the bottom of the stairs does too, and in walks Nyko, Indra, and a handful of other guards. At the sight of the new additions, the entirety of Skaikru jump to their feet and group together, Atlas and Arcas joining them.

Decimate /-/ Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now