Chapter 1 The Memory

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I don't really know what the fuck I am doing or where I am supposed to go but I guess that I will make it up as I go. All I could really do was keep running through the trees while holding back the tears that tried to escape my eyes. I had an idea and decided to head for the Mason's while thinking back on what just happened.
I was playing hide and seek with my two brothers Christopher and David in the back yard. I turned 15 a few weeks ago and I love being a year older. I know it's weird to be so obsessed with being older but that's me. I was looking for my brothers when I spotted Christopher behind a bush. I was about to jump out so I could scare him when I heard a scream. The both of us jumped up and looked around to see if David was around. Just then, I was beginning to feel like I was being watched. I was about to ask Christopher if he felt the same way when we heard another scream from inside the house. I saw David pop out from behind a tree a few yards away and ask me, "Was that mom or something playing on the TV?" "That sounded like mom, you two stay here while I go see what happened. Don't step away from David, this time I am not playing around, I think something is wrong." I told Christopher while I headed inside to checked it out. I went inside through the back door and started to search through all the rooms and cabinets in the kitchen. My dad always told me the if something was wrong to go hide with my brothers until him or momma came to find us. That just didn't sit right with me so here I am disobeying my dad's words. When I didn't find anyone on the first floor, I went up the stairs and turned right to my room all the way at the end of the hall. I slowly opened my door to see if anyone was in my room but there wasn't. Deeming it safe to enter I checked my bathroom and seeing no one in there I headed to my brothers' rooms. Finding no one in there either I stepped out and carefully walked to my parent's room which was on the other side of the house. My brothers' rooms were in the center while me and my parents were stationed on the outer ends. As I neared their room, I could hear two people talking loudly so I guess it was one of my parents that screamed and were now trying to talk it out. Me being me, I decided to listen in on what was being said so I could try to diffuse the situation as well or at least put the attention on me and then tell them that I thought some stranger came in when I realized that it wasn't my parents talking. Well, my dad was talking but the other voice I did not recognize. I made sure to be extra quiet as I opened the door and peeked inside. I saw my dad clutching mom to his chest with tears in his eyes. I looked at mom a bit more and realized that she wasn't moving at all, let alone breathing. I stared at my dad in horror at what that meant when my dad caught my stare. My dad moved mom on the floor and slowly made his way to the door. The person on the other side of the room apparently didn't notice and when my dad got to the door, he grabbed my hand and said, "I want you and your brothers to know that me and your mother love you guys. Take the boys and run, run, and don't turn back. GO!" then he slammed the door in my face. I stood up and ran like he told me to do trying to fight back the tears that wanted to come out. I was almost down the stairs when I heard a gunshot. I was about to turn back when a tall, dark haired, green-eyed well-built guy grabbed my arm. He was wearing a black suit with a pink tie that was really out of place. I looked at him and told him to let me go with as much force as I could muster. It came out a little deep and he was about to let me go but stopped. When I looked at him, he had a stunned and a little bit shocked look before his face had a flat look again and said "No." When I stopped being surprised at how he looked at me and how my voice sounded, I looked around to see if I could find something to hit him with, but everything was too far away. Then he looked at me with an amused look because he knew what I was doing and turned behind him to talk to the other person who just walked through the door. When he was talking to the guy behind him for about 5 minutes, I learned a few things: 1. They don't know that my brothers are in the backyard, 2. These guys are something called Rouges?? I have no clue what that means, 3. Apparently, they weren't supposed to kill my mom because they wanted my mom for something and 4. They are supposed to kill me and my brothers......... "Wait what!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled in a high-pitched voice and the guy that was holding me dropped me on the ground and put his hands on his ears. I took that chance, and I flew out the door and ran to where Christopher and David were. I was about 20 ft from them when I told them to run. I was still running towards them when suddenly, something huge tackled me and made me fall to the ground and land on my back. The thing landed on top of me and as I opened my eyes unaware that I closed them and screamed. "Oh shit, what the fuck are you?!!" I stared amazed and shocked at what was towering over me. It was a huge dark brown wolf. It looked huge but I couldn't see its full body because all I could see was its head. The wolf had light brown eyes and looked at me like he was enjoying my reaction. Then he growled and turned his head to the side where the guy that was holding me before was standing there with his head down. While he was growling at him, I turned my head to my brothers and saw them running holding hands and just crossed where the woods began. The wolf that was over me barked at the two that were standing there, and I guess he ordered the two that were standing there to go after them because after he barked, they ran into the woods as well. After a minute I heard two screams and felt the blood drain from my face and the next second I was thinking of a way to escape from the wolf that was on top of me. An idea came to mind, and I thought that if it worked for them in human form then I could try it in their wolf form. So, with that in mind I moved my right leg a little to the left, aimed and used my knee to hit the wolf where the sun don't shine. To my luck it worked, and he fell off me on the ground. Once he was off me, I got up and started running towards the woods on the left side of the property.

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