Chapter 3 The Meeting

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I silently fist pumped myself as my shot landed on the side of her neck. I looked next to me to see my mentor, Bryan, still looking a little bit confused at the girl. I turned back to see that she didn't collapse yet. I hit her with a tranquilizer for humans and if she's not then it won't work on her. Me and Bryan jumped down and I landed with a very small 'thud'. As we walked to her, she turned around and looked at us before she collapsed and fell on a pile of hay. 'She must have resisted it quite a bit.' I thought. I looked at Bryan as he said "You need to work on your landing a little more. I can still hear and feel the vibrations you give while landing, otherwise you did a good job Tristan." I nodded at him in appreciation and turned to the girl laying there on the floor. "Why exactly did we knock her out? Why couldn't we just let her leave?" He looked at me like I was an idiot and said "You knocked her out because she was mumbling about werewolves. Not only that, but she could also have discovered us if we had not been careful and honestly, I thought that was obvious." "Okay but what are we going to do with her?" I asked because I really didn't know. It's not like we can keep her. He pondered before saying, "We kinda have no choice but to tell the boss about her. That and he makes the decisions, so we must wait and see what he wants to do with her. But for right now, fix her up so she doesn't look like a mess. Also sit her up straight it's better for her." I nodded before I picked her up and sat her up straight. I fixed her shirt and adjusted her glasses and hair, so she didn't look like a complete mess. I kinda felt bad for her because what if the boss wanted to get rid of her. I mean she is kinda pretty but not in that way, and I think she is the same age as me. Oh great, look at me worrying about a person I've never met. 'This is not good; this hasn't happened before. I wonder why it's happening now.' I thought as I went over to Bryan. I was about to ask him something, but I got interrupted as the barn doors opened and closed. Knowing who it was, we walked over to them, and we started talking. The people that came in were the other people in the organization. Me and Bryan are part of an organization that goes after the supernatural and humans alike. Tonight, was a meeting so we could all catch up and get some new orders and talk to the Boss. One of the other assassins came walking up to me and Bryan and said, "Hey Bryan, how are you? Also how did that last mission go?" I think her name was Cathy or something I don't know. I think she has a thing for Bryan though. "Hey Caren, I am well, and the job was completed without a hitch like always. Is the boss here yet?" he said with a blank face. He doesn't show it, but he does not like her one bit, no one does really. I think some are even trying to execute a plan to get rid of her, and not like lose your job like kill her and claim it was an accident. Honestly, I hope they end her. I snapped out of my thoughts as the barn doors opened again and in came the Boss. Everyone just calls him 'Boss' because we aren't allowed to call him anything else. Everyone stopped talking when he came in and started to get into a circle. Once we get into position, Boss speaks up, "Well first order of business, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT GIRL DOING HERE BRYAN!!" he said while pointing to the girl we put in the corner. Ah so we are getting right to it then. "Well, while we were waiting, she came in here and laid down on the hay and started having a breakdown. The car outside is her's and she was mumbling about something that happened before she came here and about werewolves and how she wants revenge. Before she discovered us, I had Trixxy hit her with a dart gun." The boss looked at me then at Bryan and asked, "Why exactly did you keep her? Why not take her away and bring it up to me later?" "Because I didn't know what you wanted me to do with her, and she was speaking about werewolves. So, I didn't know if you wanted me to kill her, wipe her memory an get rid of her, or what?" Boss thought a moment before he got up, looked at the girl more closely and said "Well, if she was talking about were's than we need to figure out what she means. Frankly, you are the one that found her so it's up to you. Whether you want to kill her, train her, or act like she doesn't exist is up to you. She has a build, but it needs to be built up. She appears flexible so that is a plus, but it is entirely up to you." Bryan looked at Boss with a little shock on his face and asked him, "You would allow me to train her?" "If that is what you wish to do then yes, you may." Bryan pondered then looked at me and said, "How would you like to have a partner?" I looked at him and thought about it. I was used to going on missions with Bryan but not by my myself, but I do know that Bryan can't always go with me because he has his own jobs to do, let alone the ones he does with me. I might as well get a partner, so it makes it easier on him, that and I feel a strange connection to her. With that in mind I looked at Bryan and said, "Sure, why not." "Then yes I will take her in, train her, and then we can deal with the wolves she was talking about." Bryan said while looking at Boss. Boss nodded his head and told Bryan "What I want you to do now is get the girl situated and find out her name and give her a code name to use. I want you to get her ready so that if she decides to take revenge on her own, she can, or we will do it. For now, let's focus on what we came here for, first off......" I didn't really listen to what else he was saying, I was busy thinking about having a partner. After a few hours, Boss dismissed us, so Bryan went and picked the girl up and we headed to the car that she drove here. There was a purple Ferrari right outside and Bryan didn't hesitate to put the girl in the back seat while he got in the front. I decided to sit in the back with the girl and once I got in the car and buckled up, he drove off and headed to the safe house we have stationed here. Tomorrow we must leave to the airport so we can get to our actual house. I will just have to sedate her until we get to the house. Security is gonna be a bitch to get past with a person passed out.

Once we got to the house, I set her on the couch and got her set up so that if she woke up, she would be injected with another tranquilizer and pass out again. Once that had done me and Bryan went to our rooms and laid down to go to bed. 'I can't wait to get home tomorrow.' I thought as I drifted to sleep.

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