Chapter 9 A Change in The Future

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Chapter 9 (Sara's P.O.V.)

      "Hey Tristan. I need to talk to you." I spoke. She was just getting out of the shower and heading towards the couch where I was at. She came over on the couch and sat next to me. "What is it?" she asked. I took a deep breath and said, "How about as a reward for completing this job we do the thing now?" "Really!?" she said. I nodded my head and looked her in the eyes. Me and her are the only ones that can read what the other is thinking by looking into the other's eyes. I suspect a deeper meaning to it, but I won't look into it.

      She said "Yes! But are you sure that you have everything ready and have all of the stuff you need?" "Yes, I have everything. Let me get all the books and everything. I will be right back." I said and got up. I went to my room and grabbed the suitcase in the corner on my room and dragged it down the stairs. I walked over to Tristan and sat down facing her while I also laid the suitcase down beside me. I sat with my legs crossed and closed my eyes.

      I took a deep breath and concentrated non casting a spell to block out all sound and to make sure that no one would overhear us or see what we were doing. When I opened my eyes, I looked at her and said, "Look, I want you to be sure that you want to go through with this. Once this happens, it can't be undone. Once we do this, we will be able to communicate telepathically and read each other's minds. You will also become what I am but not as powerful. And we must be careful from now on. After this there's no turning back. We will also be able to tell how each other is feeling and tell where each other is. We will feel the pain that the other person goes through but not to the exact extent of pain. Only a fraction of it. Now are you sure you want to do this." I gave her a minute to think it over.

        She needs to think carefully because there is no turning back from this. She raised her head and said, "Yes I am sure about this, but does that mean that all memories will be shared as well?" "Yes, it does. It will be like a glimpse, but we will know everything." I answered her. She nodded and looked at the suitcase. "It's time to get started." I said as I started pulling everything out of the suitcase. I organized it and started with the one book that seemed to be the most helpful. I laid out the candles and drew the symbols and started repeating the chants in my head. I also grabbed 2 of the pocketknives on me (I have too many to count on my body) and handed one to her.

         This called for a little blood from both of us to make it happen. We sat at our places inside the circle, and I said the chants while drawing symbols in the air. Then came the time to cut our palms and put a little blood on the candle between us. We took our hands that had the cut and put them together. I said out loud "With this the spell is complete and we are now forever sisters." "With this the spell is complete we are now forever sisters." Tristan repeated after me and then our hands began to glow.

        A few seconds later all the memories came like a flashback. But they weren't mine. I was seeing Tristan's memories and I felt everything she did when it happened. That was all I needed to know that it worked. A few seconds later and Tristan looked at me with so much hurt and just a speech less expression because of what my memories held. After the spell was complete, she needed no further explanation on what I meant on what I am, so she just looked at me shocked a little bit. 

       "Yeah, I know it's hard to believe that but that's me. And if you try to betray me by telling anyone you will also get the consequences because you are also part witch and werewolf now. You should be able to communicate with your wolf, well new wolf now." I said. "I can't believe that you went through all that. I am sorry for the way I acted towards you in the beginning. And I just want you to know that I think of you as a sister and that I will never do anything to hurt you. I think that this will be fun a little bit when it comes to training with my wolf." Tristan said.

       I knew everything she was saying was true because I can tell from our bond. I said "Well you should know that you won't be able to shift until you meet your mate. I cast a spell that makes our urge to shift now subside until we meet our mate. When we meet our mate, it will force the shift. But I don't think it's likely that we will meet ours. Now when we go back you must be careful. Being that the organization is made up of humans and kills werewolves and vamps you now need to be really careful. I know how to get by them because I am used to it. Now is there anything you want to know or say?"

         "Yeah, just one. How have you not had an emotional breakdown yet?" She asked. "Hehe well I take after my dad, so I am a strong person. That and I just haven't let my emotions from then take over me, I guess." I told her. She nodded and tried to remain calm, but she couldn't hide it. We were both excited. "Now we can have that vacation you were talking about. What do you have planned?" I questioned her. Her smile lit up a thousand times brighter and for the first time in my life I actually felt scared of her. And I had a right to be.

*Two weeks later*

      "Hey Bryon." Tristan said with a little excitement. We just got off the plane and are about to head back to Tristan and Bryan's home. I don't call it my home because I don't feel as if I belong there. I never did. I hugged Bryan and he said, "What the hell happened to you? Don't tell me that you let Tristan have her way with you?" With a little amusement.

       I sighed and told him what happened, "Well sort of. You see when we first got there, we started talking about how to execute our plan and Tristan said that she wanted him dead this week so we could have two weeks' worth of vacation. I told her that if I was able to plan the execution than she could plan the first week of our vacation. So, she forced me to get a haircut, wear a dress and forced me to get my nails done. I was able to pick the color but other than that I had no control. And I did promise her so I couldn't break it."

        Yeah, now I have long nails that are blood red. Well, the darkest red I could find. With my hair, some of my right side is shaved and colored a dark red as well. She's lucky that I liked it though. I know that she did it because she knew that I liked it though. Which is why I forgive her. However, I am gonna sharpen my nails, to where they cut skin with the slightest touch.

       "Well, you don't break promises. I like the change though. Its suites your dark mind and nature. Haha." Bryan said. I smiled a little and said, "It's good to be back though." "And it's good that your back. Also, because I know you two or at least what your like on the job 1. give me back my card. 2. What happened to the car that you got?" He said and looked at me. I gave him the card and told him, "Well the truck is currently being shipped to the port that the Boss controls. When it arrives, I am gonna pick it up and it's gonna be mine. Mine." 

        Bryan shook his head and asked "So I have to get another garage set up? Unbelievable." "Sorry." I said to him. The look he gave me tells me he knows I didn't mean sorry at all. An hour and a half after we started driving to Tristan's and Bryan's home, I fell asleep and had a dream. Well, I guess you couldn't really call it a dream, more like a message of some sorts. Or possibly a vision.

     I could get one because of my witch side. But some person in my dream told me that because of the bond I created, I have forever joined Tristan's life and future with mine. We are bound forever, and she is now in something she can't back out of. When I woke up, I kept my eyes closed and tried to think of what that message meant. Like what was in my future that Tristan is now involved in. I'm not gonna lie, it worried me. 

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