Chapter 5 The Revealing

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A Year Later

That's what I went through for a year. Nothing but learning how to move like shadows, throw knives, use the environment around me as a weapon, moving with out a sound no matter what I am doing, and how to be strong while looking like I have no muscle. I have moved up ranks in the gang and I am almost done with all my training. I have gotten so used to people calling me by my code name that I almost forgot about my real name. I try not to remember what happened a year ago but I get nightmares of it once every few months. The tears stopped coming quite a while ago and I haven't cried since a few nights after my first lesson. There's news with me and Tristan. We have gotten close and are BFF's now. The Boss whom I have yet to learn his name has told me that I can get revenge in two years . Two years being we have to track the guys movements very carefully and plan accordingly so that the plan doesn't fail. I also need to make several back-up plans in-case Plan A fails. Also Bryan Told us that we got a mission from the boss. A partner mission so I am heading out on a plane with Tristan and we are going to do the mission together. We leave in three days and it lasts for three days. I am gonna ask Tristan if she would like to make a blood bond so we can join together as sisters. I know that this is a big step in our Friendship but I think that we are ready. Speaking of Tristan, there she is. I looked at the door to the back yard and Tristan is coming outside and says " Your still training? Girl, we are done with training. Also have you packed everything? We are going to be gone for two weeks. " " What!! I thought that it was only supposed to be three days. Shit, now I have to pack more shit. " I said and ran inside to start packing. I got a bigger suit case and filled it with my assassin outfit which is blood red and black, and Jeans, T-shirts, sneakers, and other things. I could feel Tristan coming down the hallway and then she opened the door, walked in, closed it, then sat down next to me on the bed. " Dude I am board." she said. " Well since you are here I wanted to ask you something. " I said while sitting up and had a serious look on my face. She new that usually meant that I had something really important to say so she sat up and straitened up and said " Okay what is it and obviously I wont tell anyone what is said or done so what's the question? " " Well I wanted to know if you wanted to be sisters by creating a blood bond. You know how they work right? I know that we've only known each other for a year but I feel like we are actually sisters and I want to be true sisters. So what do you say? " I asked her. To be honest she looks taken aback. I thought she froze until she threw her self onto me and said " Of course I want to be true sisters with you. But do you know how? " " Well I may have done a little research on it through a library and borrowed a few books. Its a ritual but I believe that it will work. Also I have something to tell you after we create the blood bond. Alright, now when do you want to do this? " I asked her while showing her the books. " Those are cool looking books but you borrowed them really, I don't believe that. Also maybe we should do this while we are on the mission so no one here will know. Also since you are basically a library yourself you could read the books, and take the memory of it with you. But maybe you should just take the books with you because you don't want the gang to find out. " she said. " Okay I will read and study them and I will take the books in case I forgot any type of info. I'm kinda excited to try this out. Now you should train and make sure you are prepared. " I told her. She replied with " I am excited to do this to and I will see you later Alex. " After she left I started to read and I got really interested in the book and did not put it down till I was done with it, then I started the next one and also with the rest of them.

Three Days Later

" You guys ready? " Said Bryan while we were in the car almost at the airport. " Yeah man, how much longer till we get to the airport? " I asked him. " About 10 minutes from the airport and 20 minutes until you actually get on the airplane. " he answered. ' I cant wait until we get on the plane. I can sleep the whole way and not be interrupted. ' I thought with a smile on my face. " Alright we're here. " Bryon said while he was parking the car. We got out along with our stuff and had the people that work there put our stuff in first class. Then me and Tristan looked at Bryan and hugged him. " Alright well see you guys in two weeks guys. Alex please TRY not to cause trouble. I don't need Tristan to bail you out again or provide a cover up so your ass doesn't get caught. Tristan keep an eye on her and don't get in trouble with her. I swear you two always lead to trouble ha ha. " " Ha ha we will try. " we said at the same time. We looked at each other and busted out laughing. " Well, we better start heading to the plane. I don't know how much longer till the plane leaves so lets get on our way. Bye Bryan, see you in two weeks. " I said to him and hugged him good bye. " Yeah bye Bryan. " Tristan said and hugged him good bye. " Good bye guys. " he said with a smile and left. Two minutes later I heard Tristan say " Is it me or is it still scary when he smiles like that? " " Yeah he's definitely still scary. I wonder what he's thinking no--shit we have to go to the plane before the gate closes. " I said while grabbing her hand and running to the boarding gate. We got there in just the nick of time, we showed the lady our passports, fake id's, and our plane tickets. She let us go and we boarded the plane, then went int our first class seats that are right next to each other. We sat down next to each other and relaxed. " Alright I am going to bed. But first I am gonna get something to eat. How about you? " I said to Tristan. " Well I am just gonna go to bed we have a while till we land. Good night and Sweet nightmares. " She said to me. I nodded my head and waited till the lady that does first class got here. She came and took my order then came back with my meal and I ate a medium rare steak with mashed potato's and green beans. After that I cleaned my mess then laid my chair back and fell asleep. I woke up 15 hours later when Tristan poked me on my cheek and said " Come on we need to get off the plain. We are here in California! " while going down the stairs. " Why do you have to scream it's only California. " I said when we got through the gate that the lander's go through. Tristan looked at me like a grew a second head and said " JUST CALIFORNIA? ARE YOU CRAZY? CALIFORNIA IS THE BEST VACATION PLACE EVER! HOW CA--" " Stop yelling, you are drawing attention and people are looking at us like we are crazy! " I scolded her after I clamped my hand over her mouth. ' By the Devil she is so loud. How is she even an assassin. ' I thought. She nodded and I pulled my hand away. We got our luggage and got a cab. Tristan gave the cab driver a paper that had a destination on it and he nodded then drove off. Turns out we are going to a mansion and its huge. We tipped the driver and got our luggage to bring inside the mansion. Once we put our things in the living room I went to the basement to see what was down there. Bryon had left a note on the basement door that said " Dear Alex, I know for a fact that you are gonna thank me for what's down here and I am waiting on it. From Bryan. Haha Bryon is such a smart ass. " I said to my self. I took the note off the door and put it in my pocket. I went down the stairs and flicked on the lights. Good thing that we are miles away from people because I screamed "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH BRYAN YOU ARE THE BEST. TRISTAN GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE ITS AWESOME." I heard Tristan coming down the stairs and she said, "Oh, so you can yell all you want but I can't? What do you want?" "Well look there are all kinds of weapons. Daggers, knifes, rifles, pistols, nun-chucks, swords, and gadgets, and a ton of other shit." I said as I named stuff on my hand. I looked like a kid on Christmas day with all the weapons that were there. I don't know why but I have always had a attraction or habit or something about weapons. I am always adding to my collection and getting more shit. I turned to Tristan and said " Well who are we after and what's the plan? " 

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