Chapter 4 Waking Up

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We made it to where we were living, and like I said security is a bitch at the airport. Bryan handed me the girl and told me to put her on the couch. So, I put her on the couch and got a cup of cold water, put it on the table beside her and I made dinner for us. Me and Bryan sat and ate, and I asked him "What are we going to do with her?" "You will know when she wakes up." he said. So, after dinner we waited for her to wake up which should be in a few minutes.

(Sara's P.O.V.)

I am seeing nothing but darkness. DARKNESS!!!! Is there nothing here? I see a light and wait wait wait. You know how when in a movie people see a light and they die. Yeah, well in case you didn't know, I DON'T WANT TO DIE! So, what do I do, I try to run in the other direction? Well, you know what, it doesn't work like that. So, as I am trying to turn the other way and run the light is coming closer and I can't turn around. Well, I was thinking of how I really don't want to die as the light was getting almost as big as to where I can't see anything, but the light and I just gave up. Then the light disappeared, and I was lying on a couch starring at the ceiling. I remembered that I was in a shack so I was wondering where I was and shot up which might not have been a good idea because I lost my vision due to standing up to quickly. I stood there for a few seconds while I regained my vision and someone said, "You shouldn't have done that." I stood still and quickly turned my head to where the voice was coming from and there was a girl about my age sitting in a chair with her arms crossed. She had blonde hair that stopped at her shoulders with blue eyes. I looked at her and said, "Well yeah I just forgot that I had that problem." "What do you mean you had that problem?" she said. "And why are you not screaming or hiding in a corner. Because usually normal people would cower in fear in a place where there are strange to them." "Well, that's because I am not fucking normal." I stared at her and waited for her to answer but she didn't, and I asked her "Wait do you not cuss that is why you are not answering me?" "No that is not the problem. The fact that the only thing you seem to have paid attention to would be the fact that I was talking about normal people, and you said that you are not normal which is a given because you don't look scared at all. And since you woke up in a stranger's place with a stranger watching you till you woke up, I am just curious as to what are you thinking and why you are not scared." She answered. I just starred at her with a confused look and realized that I don't know her name and she does not know mine. "Oh, and by the way my names Sara, what's yours?" "Um you do know that I am a stranger right and you know nothing about me and you're just going to tell me your name without actually knowing me?" she said. "Well yes you do have a point, but I feel like I can trust you." well yes, she did have a point I have never met her before, but I wasn't lying. For some reason I do feel like I can trust her. I just stood there and stared at her to see if she was going to make a comment on my answer, but she fell silent. After a few minutes I was about to sit back down but she said "Tristan" I looked at her and said "What?" She said, "My name is Tristan." I said, "Oh ok." I just stared at her because she was looking at me confused. I asked her "What is there to be confused about I did nothing out of the ordinary." "Except for answering a question that was not spoken. And you seem to have not noticed that there are two people here?" she answered. "Well, I could tell by the expression that you are making and no I did not know there was another person here." I spoke. I looked around and saw no one there. Then I felt a wait above me and jumped to the side but landed on the couch while the person that was above me hoped down on the ground silently. I stared at him and said "You know that you almost landed on me. Right?" He looked at me and then looked at Tristan and said "Well she might be easy to train? What do you think?" I stood there and starred at him like 'Are you really, going to ignore me' "I don't know. Maybe?" she said. He turned towards me and looked me up and down. I stared at him like what the hell are you doing? "How old are you and where are you from?" he asked me. I looked at him and said "Well that is none of your business. Now, is it?" He looked at me and said, "Well, it kind of is because you are living here under my roof so my house my rules." I looked at him with a smug look, started walking to the door and said "Well it is not like I wanted to be here. So, it is not my fault. But I would be happy to leave. Good-Bye." "Hold it right there. Where would you go exactly?" The dude asked. 'Fuck' I mentally cursed myself as I was standing at the door. I forgot about that. "Well fine I guess that I will stay here but what exactly am I supposed to do?" I asked and sat down on the couch again. "Well, I think that it's about time we told you what we are and what you are going to do from now on." Tristan said. I nodded my head in understanding and waited until she was ready to start talking.

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