Chapter 14 Figuring Things Out

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             I made sure to steer clear of any branches, so I don't bump into any like I did last time. After walking a couple yards into the woods, Tristan started the conversation, "So what should we talk about first?" "Well, how about what to do with Bryan? I think that needs to be covered first before anything else. What we do with him, decides what we do the rest of our lives, well a bit of what happens in our lives." I told her. She nodded and started to try and rationalize how to deal with it.

Now it's time for me to think, 'If we were to make him one of us, he would become another target if we were to get found out. He would also be another person I have to keep an eye on and keep safe. He was ordered by Boss to dispose of me after I complete my mission because Boss views me as a threat to his little organization. I don't want to deal with any part of the organization after I complete this last mission but based on how things have been so far, that is not likely to happen, and I might have more jobs then I'd like. I have to find out the best way to go about this. First and foremost, I need Tristan's decision on what she wants to do. Her answer decided where I go from here.' I looked around to see where we were.

Turns out, we are close to the stream. I can hear the water running from here. I spotted a fallen tree and led us over to sit on it. We can sit and talk here. Once we sat down, I asked Tristan, "Would you like me to go first and list the pros and cons about him joining and not joining, or would you like to say what you think and discuss that after?" "I will just tell you what's on my mind. If we let him join, I can stop hiding this from him and we can look after each other better. If he join's, that will put a target on his back and then it's another person to look after. I don't want to lose him. Either way, he has a target on his back now as it is. But what if he doesn't believe us or tries to tell Boss about us? I don't want anything to happen to him or you. I worry so much about what he might do or say once we tell him, and it scares me. What do you think we should do?" she told me.

I held her in my arms then said, "I think that we should tell him, I can always erase his memory if it goes south. Let's tell him, and see where it goes from there okay? We can tell him tomorrow though; I need a nap before I deal with that. Is that okay or do you want to tell him on a different day?" "No, tomorrow is fine. Let him see you put the spells up though. Then we you smell that?" she said. Puzzled, I sniffed the air and smelt the same thing as before. It was a strange mix of pineapple, mint, and old books. I looked around and saw that just passed the stream, that same fucking wolf was there. I tapped Tristen on her shoulder and telepathically told her to look the way I was. She slowly turned her head and saw the wolf, but he wasn't alone. There was another wolf next to him.

This one had grey fur and a black diamond on its left hind leg. This time, I couldn't stop my wolf from taking control for a moment and I guess Tristan too because the next thing that comes out of our mouths is, "Mate." As soon as we lock eyes with the wolves. Immediately I took back control and dragged Tristan with me as fast as I could back to the house. I transported us to my room without having to go back through the house in case Bryan was somewhere there and tries to stop us. Once we got there, I immediately put-up spells before the pain kicked in. Ones that cancelled out noise and made it to where the room expanded a bit to give us both room.

Once the spells were done, I took off my jacket, so I didn't rip it. As soon as it was off, I felt the pain all over my body. When I had discovered that I was a werewolf-witch hybrid, I put a spell that wouldn't allow me to shift again unless I met my mate. My ass thought that it wouldn't happen so here I am, in pain from not shifting in so long. The only other thing I heard besides my own screams were Tristan's alongside mine. Roughly 10 minutes later of bones snapping and rearranging, I was in my wolf form. I looked over to Tristan to see that she had black fur with a white diamond on her right hind leg. She looked over at me and you could see her eyes widen. I pointed my snout towards a mirror hoping she would understand that I want her to see herself. She walked up to it, and I think she stopped breathing for a second.

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