19. Only But a Demon

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                I personally have never been in an earthquake before due to the fact that I live in blazing hot Texas. Flooding is a possibility, uncontrolled and unprepared winters are a possibility, and the occasional hurricane in certain areas near the warm waters is again a possibility. But an earthquake, never had to experience this and I will say I am glad because it is absolutely terrifying.

Everything in my entire apartment is quaking, wobbling over, and crashing to the ground. I can't catch my balance despite reaching a hand out to stable myself. Giving up, I allowed myself to just stay on the ground where the laws of physics wanted me. No one screamed, no one tried to run, everyone just continued to look at the front door that was crackling and fizzing in a dark burgundy cloud of death and destruction.

Where my scape brought life, this dark brooding and rumbling cloud only brings darkness to the room. I can feel Cenric's presence emerging from the cloud, slowly like an old dial up computer. Azura's breath is coming short and panicked her eyes wider than the first time I thought she'd die. Collin is holding onto her arm in terror, Helen is frowning in confusion, Ai is holding onto her blades for comfort, Penelope has her eyes closed in prayer maybe, and Sheeba is the only one able to stand as she faces what is to come.

This was not your best idea. Run while you can.

Lilith always offers the worst advice. With a roll of my eyes, I watched as the dark cloud swirled taller and wider as it began to take the shape and form of a large man. The cloud interests me. I reached a hand out to touch and was zapped with a current so acidic I screamed out loud, pulling my hand back.

"Don't fucking touch it, Jessica," Sheeba instructed, her eyes narrowed in consternation. Ai sighed, standing up and twirling her knives at Sheeba's side. "It's pure unaltered and nonconsensual darkness. You uttered the name of a demon too powerful for Earth's mortal plane. There will be consequences."

"If we live to see them," Ai snorted, with a seething glance at me afterwards.

The darkness of the room swelled and I heard voices screaming and crying for mercy, blood splattering to the ground, and body parts being ripped and severed. I put my hands over my ears but it did not stop the sounds, the sounds are internal. Rocking back and forth, I begged it would end.

As a mortal, the darkness will try to claim you. Fight it, Jessica, resist or you will suffer eternally.

These must be the consequences that Sheeba mentioned earlier. Taking deep breaths, I heard a strong and deep growl that shook all of my insides and whatever was still standing in the apartment. The darkness burst out from the cloud and there stood Cenric. Gorgeous, stunning, and strong Cenric. I gasped at the sight of him in reality. My dreams do not do him justice.

Cenric is dressed in a blue Italian suit that is form fitting to him exclusively with a very expensive silver watch to match. The shoes and socks are black, his tie the color of the darkest raven. His cuff links are proportionate with his arms and his blood red eyes quickly scanned the room to find threats, finally resting on mine. Without an utterance of a word, I was off the ground and his hand went around my throat.

"Whoa, hey hey hey!" Collin, objected, rising now as the quaking stopped at Cenric's presence. "I get you're a rapist from her dreams, but we don't also have to be abusive in reality. Unhand my sister!" Azura snatched him back so fast it made my head spin. "That's my sister! Let me go!"

"Did you utter my name?" he growled, eyes fierce and in that quick second I realized something. What if on this plane he does not know me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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