5. Inquiries

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Unruly and wild with fear, I scrambled from the once was safe confines of my bed to my dresser, clawing for clean clothes. What are the odds, hm? What are the chances that one attends a seminar over the incubi and then that very next night actually stumbles into an incubus? And not only did I stumble, but I crashed and tumbled head first into his clutches.





And not only what are the odds but why me? What did I do to deserve this? I work hard for a living and I put up with my roommate's terrible matchmaking and intrepid habits. It's like the world is saying, "Fuck all of that, Jessica, you still deserve the worst in life" and it's just not fair.

I shuddered, remembering how his hands felt, how his silky and dark voice took me to places I never thought I could venture into. Nothing will ever compare I'm so damn ruined I don't even want to think about it. Panicked, I grabbed my car keys and ran from my condo and out to my car.

After knocking savagely and inconsiderately, Collin finally opened his door, his jaw hard with anger and his eyes droopy with sleep deprivation. So I woke the poor educator up, oh the fuck well I am in a crisis.

"What took you so long?" I hissed, pushing past him and into his skyline condo that has a very beautiful view of the stars.

"Jessica, what are you doing here?" Collin asked, closing the door behind me.

"Where is Helen?"

"She went to her mother's for the night. Why? Is this why you came, because Helen was late?" he asked, appalled.

I rolled my eyes hard, clenching my keys in my hand. "I don't care what you and Helen do, okay? You're both consenting adults. I just want to ask you a couple of questions about your seminar."

"And that couldn't wait until a more reasonable hour?" His eyes eyed the clock that read three thirty-four in the morning. I took in his lack of clothing and his messy dark hair.

"No, it could not."

"I know I said I wanted to get back to the glory of our relationship but surely it can wait for a more—"

"Collin, please!" I snapped, holding out my hand I don't want to hear him ramble anymore. I'm about to lose my mind. My dreams aren't safe. I am not safe. He shut his mouth.

"What can I answer for you?" he whispered, resigned.

My shoulders tightened. "You said that demons come to people because of sexual frustration. So if someone stops being sexually frustrated will they stop coming?"

Cocking his head to the side, Collin answered, "Not essentially, Jessica. Once the incubus has given the victim a taste of what could be, the victim usually ends up constantly yearning for the demon for the rest of its life and the demon just keeps on coming. Imagine, you experience something blissful and incredible, how can you not keep wanting it?"

Oh, I can freaking imagine it very vividly, thanks. Closing my eyes, I whispered, "So the ways to get rid of the demon, which one is most effective in your opinion?"

"Well, for kicks probably a combination of things. One would need isolation but then a sacramental confession followed by an exorcism."

"Would the first two do it?"

"Well the exorcism is what scares the demon the most, sometimes from what I've researched. Jessica, why all the—"

"Back up, you said the victim could yearn for the demon for the rest of their lives. Didn't you say in the seminar that visits from the incubi result in deterioration of health, pregnancy, and even death?" I squeaked.

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