15. Outsmart Me

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It has been forever and I am so so sorry. I became a mom and finished college and abandoned the only work I ever really tried to finish. So here is me trying to finish. I hope some of you are still around :( Enjoy the chapter tell me what you think.

"Jessica," Lucifer uttered my name as a warning. His voice on the verge of hysteria if I made one more move. I had to make the move, it was the only way I could go home, the only way he'd take me seriously. "Jessica do not do this," he warned, eyes tight around the edges, his hands curled at his sides. He needed me alive, and he needed me under his control.

Smiling, with the wind blowing in my face, I threw open a translucent door that bared many faces and voices. "It's already done," I replied, before jumping into the translucent space below me. Lucifer's scream followed me all the way down.

I jerked awake from the chair I had slept terribly in. My back aches and my stomach growled with hunger. After Lucifer left the room I sat in the chair trying to hatch a plan, unsuccessfully I might add, and fell asleep shortly after. Barely able to recall the dream, I frowned, grumbling to myself. I have no idea what time it is, what day it is, and what is even going on. For all I know I've been here for five years of my life.

Groaning, I looked around to try and find an indication of the time or day. I slid off of the chair and plopped down onto the floor on my butt. Before I could begin my investigation, Lucifer entered the room, his face all hard planes and determination.

"Good morning, Jessica. I would like it if you'd kindly stand up, I have stuff for us to do today." Lucifer looked down upon me as if I were a mere peasant, dressed in all black with a pair of shades on his face. He looks expensive. He did say human wealth impressed him. He threw me a navy blue generic pantsuit and I slid it on over my annoying lingerie.

"Like what? More near rape incidents?" I grumbled, feeling odd that the jumpsuit fit me so perfectly.

He raised a dark brow that appeared above his shades, clear as day. "I'm not in the mood for your antics. Stand up or I'll make you."

"I just woke up, like can you please--"

Lucifer yanked me from the floor and onto my feet. "I said I'm not in the mood for your antics."

My arm burned from his harsh manhandling and I stared up at him with wide eyes, his concealed by his shades. He wasn't in the mood for my shit today. What I got away with in the past, he isn't playing around anymore. He released my arm and I stumbled into place, shaken up.

"Have you ever time jumped before?" he asked, absentmindedly rubbing his forefinger along his bottom lip. I stared, eyes narrowed.

"No, I'm a human."

"Don't be fucking smart. For once, obey," he snapped.

I snorted. "You're not my master."

Before I could blink he had my jaw in a crushing grip. I gasped. "Not yet, anyways." He released me and I swallowed, shaky. "Time jumping is easy if you intend to be a mere bystander. All we are going to do is go through a couple moments in time, nothing special, and then I'll explain what it all means when we are done. Is that clear enough? I know the human brain can only handle so much information at a time."

With a roll of my eyes I said, "Yes, it's clear enough."

"Roll your eyes again and I'll make you wish you didn't." His threat in turn caused me to roll my eyes again and he slapped me, quick and sharp, before capturing my jaw again. "Do you think I am playing with you?"

My eyes watered with the pain, I've never been much of a masochist until I met my demon of course. But I am definitely not okay with slapping. "I'm going to find a way to end you," I spat at him.

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