9. Aftercare

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I sat in my bed for a long time feeling depraved and thoroughly punished. If I try to stand the bottom of my feet are going to hurt. If I roll over and sit on my ass, it's going to burn. My wrists are throbbing and most importantly I can feel my heartbeat in my vagina. I just want to lay here and cry, hoping I fall asleep to end my misery.

Light seeped in through the windows and I can hear Helen walking around in the kitchen. Praying she doesn't bother me, I thought about how painful the demon's punishment was and then how delicious it was. My god, this is making me worse off because I can't touch myself and it's all I want to do. I want to sit in a hard chair so my ass burns and rub myself until I'm nothing but shattering pleasure.

Apparently something is fucking wrong with me. I'm abnormal because no one should get off on this. Except there are people that do—including me supposedly—and there is a whole world where people learn to understand this mixture of pleasure and pain in the bedroom.

I bit down hard on my lip, thinking about wiring components of a standard motherboard panel to clear my head. Must not think about sex because my vagina is so wet and so stimulated, I just need release.

A knock sounded on my door and I groaned, yelling out, "Go away, Helen, please!" Turning in the bed, my sore bottom rubbed against the mattress and I cursed.

"It's not Helen," a sultry voice said softly.

I cringed. "Azura?"

"Can I come in? I brought provisions."

"Where is Helen?"

"She is getting dressed to go to a couples cooking class with Collin." I laughed at the sound of her jealousy.

"You can come in."

Azura opened my bedroom door and I took in a sharp breath at her beauty. I wonder if I'll ever get used to it. Her platinum hair hangs softly around her shoulders and down her back, her eyes eclectic and sharp. She's dressed in a pair of comfortable shorts and a tight tank top, all of her assets pronounced. In her hands she has a few items and she set them down on my nightstand before turning to face me.

"I'm so gravely sorry, Jessica, you have to believe me. I get if you hate me I do, but please, you have to know I'm terribly sorry. Why did you stand up for me? He had every right to kill me." Azura bit her bottom lip and turned away from me, picking at her shorts. God she's adorable.

"Don't you think that's a little harsh? You touch someone you didn't know was being stalked by a crazy demon, the first demon at that, and then have to die. Does that even sound logical to you?"

"It is the demon way. I'd have done the same if anyone touched someone I claimed was mine."

"Yeah, if you claimed that person was yours. I get a feeling he's not a real sharer of feelings."

Azura cracked a smile and I couldn't help but smile back and then we were laughing. "So you forgive me?"

"Nothing to forgive, I told you to touch me. It's over now, you're forgiven, let it go."

Nodding, she asked, "How were you able to handle that? I thought your skin was going to come off, Jessica, I wanted to die. I'd never have been able to last ten seconds. You're so strong."

I smiled impishly. "He had to have chosen me for a reason, right?"

"I guess. Well, I have aftercare." She reached for the items on the nightstand and set them down on my bed, looking me over. "You're so pale now. Could you turn over to your stomach? Nothing hurts there right?"

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