2. The City of God

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Awake and freshly showered as well as dressed, I sipped at my coffee. Ashley emerged from Helen's bedroom a little later, exiting the apartment. When the sunlight streamed through the front of the apartment, Helen walked into the kitchen, bleary eyed.

"Morning, Jessica," she grunted out, her voice a little raspy, her hair wild and untamed on her head. In a pair of short shorts and a tank top while barefoot, Helen is quite a sight to see. "What are you giving me that disapproving look for? Is it the unkempt attire or the Lucky Charms?" She gestured towards the box of cereal.

My lip twitched in amusement. "The attire, but the Lucky Charms deserve a look as well." Finished with my coffee, I walked over to rinse it out in the sink.

"Very funny."

"Are you going to see Ashley again?"

"Probably not. He's really quiet and I need something more loud and exciting."

I grimaced. I can only imagine what she means about more loud and exciting. "I guess."

Smiling, Helen said, "The seminar starts at four. I already have my outfit planned."

"Attending a seminar requires a change of clothes?" I raised an eyebrow, a tad bit annoyed, a whole lot weary.

"Jessica, this one is supposed to be big. It has been all over social media. We even have special reserved seats in the second row where we can see him up close and personal. Please, Jessica, please come with me. It would mean a lot to him I know because he has worked hard for this. He went to graduate school. He is a profound professor of paranormal studies. People are flying out from all around the country for this. Don't be rude."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't care for his entry points to education and enlightenment, Helen. I am more of a mathematical and numeral type person."

"Well I am a columnist so I have to attend this seminar so I can shoot out a good column. I have no idea about my direction though. Hot professor angle? Paranormal studies is cool angle? Hot professors changing the world angle? Like there are so many options and I need you there to be practical and mathematic about it." She smiled at me and I glared so hard I hoped it burned a hole through her huge and dreamlike forehead.

"I'm not going."

"Jessica," she whined.

"No!" I have a bad feeling about this seminar.

"I'll buy you that new motherboard thing you want so very badly." Helen raised an eyebrow, goading me.

My skin grew cold and then warm. "You mean the gigabyte GA-Q eight-seven-TN desktop motherboard from intel express chipset bulk pack?"

Frowning for I probably lost her with my words, Helen said, "Yeah, that."

"Helen it's over two thousand dollars!" I gasped.

"Accompany me to this seminar so I can write an amazing column on it, and the motherboard is yours."

Fiddling with my skirt, I noted how my midnight black hair swirled down to my waist and how my top wouldn't stay tucked into my flowing skirt. This is why I usually wear pencil skirts because everything stays confined and well...straight.

I can't believe I let Helen drag me to this seminar and all for a damn motherboard. I'm obviously a loser. The lecture hall is filled to the brim with excited guests. In the front row seats tons of good-looking girls. My brother always had a thing for brunettes and here he has a whole row of them. I wonder which one he'll take home, or if they will all be at his house at one point before the next week even begins.

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