13. Dinner With the Devil

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If I could understand why I am so lucky and fortunate to be immersed into this world of angels and demons I'd do my best to change it. All I ever wanted was a good night's sleep and a healthy sex life. My sex life is pretty snazzy but I'm not always getting the best sleep.

I swallowed down one of my vitamins and then heard the sound of a trumpet blaring. Um, is there a band playing outside? I walked over to my window and threw the curtains aside, finding no one out there except for a few people walking dogs. What the hell?

Moving away from the window, I turned back to face my doorway, finding a man standing in its once vacant place. Gasping, I dropped my vial of vitamins on the ground. The man moved with swift flight and held the vial of vitamins in his outstretched hand towards me almost like an offering.

"H-how...W-who are you?" I stuttered stunned by his grace and beauty, taking the vial from him.

He's a tall and muscular black man with smooth dark skin and full lips. His eyes are big and wide with chocolate irises and he's dressed in a pure white form fitting shirt with dark pants. His hair is cropped close to his ears and wow I can't breathe.

"I am Gabriel, God's messenger," he introduced. I shuddered. His voice is like molten Godiva chocolate and I swooned.

"Why are you here in my room? Surely, there isn't anything you have to tell me..." I trailed off as his lip quirked up higher and higher into an amused grin.

"Jessica, Jessica, Jessica," he cooed, walking around my room, taking everything in with his eyes. I hope my room is clean enough, I mean Gabriel is here. "To be normal is a useless desire, we should always desire to be greater than even goodness itself."

Uh, wow. "I don't even pray every day. Why would He choose me?"

"Humans are so literal, I forget. Just because you do not talk to God every day in a prayer, it does not mean God still doesn't hear you. I am not here to talk about your prayers, Jessica, I am here to talk of Lucifer."

"Shit," I cursed. Gabriel pursed his lips and I blushed, clearing my throat. "Sorry, I meant oh my goodness."

Gabriel snorted and then stopped observing my bedroom. "I have a message for you."


Looking into my eyes, Gabriel said, "The only way you will beat the dark is if you become the darkness you refuse to join."

With a frown, I said, "That's like a riddle. How dare you come and riddle me." Wow, he could have texted me this.

With his head cocked to the side, Gabriel scoffed, "Just like you, I wonder why He chose you. You have the power to make a difference in the world and you don't even want it. Angels don't fly around with wings; we walk around with goodness. Be good, Jessica. But to defeat Lucifer you must be bad."

His reprimand made me crimson with embarrassment. "I understand."

"I've been watching you, forbidden to speak with you until the time was right. You can say that the time is right now."

I nodded. "Did you know Cenric, before..."

"Before his inability to make decisions? Yes. Would you like to hear something ironic?" Gabriel smiled, his white teeth gleaming.


"Cenric's responsibility before his indecision was God's right hand advisor. Which means he would help God make decisions. Yet when the time came for him to make the biggest decision of his life, he couldn't."

Interesting. "Were you two...friends?"

"I wouldn't say that. Michael and I are friends. Cenric and I didn't ever come into contact. You didn't want to know Cenric because if you did, it probably meant something bad."

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