The new girl

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The new girl:

There was a lot of people around me. Some of them were at the entrance, other were walking at the big hallway. Most of them ignored me. I did the same.

The building were the student's rooms were was huge. It had many, many windows and apparently it was composed by to huge blocks, the south and north block.

According to the directions that the secretary gave me, my room was on the second floor at the north block. So I started searching. And after a while I made it. Before getting in I knock the door, in case my roommate was already there. After a few second a girl opened the door. She was blond and she had brown eyes. She smiled at me.

"Are you Jasmine Lane?" she asked.

I nod. Then she held my arm and dragged me inside. The room was huge too. It had a living room with some really comfortable couches and a flat screen TV. There was also a kitchen and finally a couple of stairs lead to the rooms.

"Lauren!! Our roommate is here!!" the blond girl yelled.

One of the doors from the rooms opened and a brunette came out. She looked exactly like the girl next to me.

"Hey, nice to meet you" the brunette said " I'm Lauren and this is my twin sister Paige"

Oh, that explains it all. They are twin sisters.

"I'm Jasmine" I said.

"You are new right?" Paige asked.


"Were do you come from?"



"Paige, leave her alone." Lauren smiled at me "Sorry, come, I'll show you your room"


She took me up stairs and lead me to the first door at the right. The room was quite big and it had it's own bathroom. This was so amazing.

The sisters left me alone in my room, so I got the chance to unpack and take a shower. After I was done I put some skinny blue jeans, white shirt and left my hair down.

Knock Knock

"Jasmine, are you ready? We have to go" Paige said.

Opening the door I smiled at her. "Yes"

"Great, come on, we're late" she smiled at me too and dragged me out.

I followed the twins outside the building and we left for school.

"So what we doing?" I asked.

"First is the welcoming assembly" Paige said.

"Then we all go to class" Lauren finished "That's kind of it".

The school building also really big and rustic. It had some stone gargoyles around it, which made it look scary and intimidating. A lot of teenagers were around entering the school. We were all lead to a main big room, it had about six  chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. There was a stage at the end of the room. It had a wooden podium in the center.

Once everyone was in a bald man got on stage and walk towards the podium.

"Were are we?" I asked.

"The main hall. Important events are held here" Lauren explained.

The bald man started talking with a kind of annoying tone of voice. He welcomed all of us and told us how 'amazing' this year was going to be and how hard he expected us  to work. Then he let us go.

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