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My throat was dry and hurting from all the yelling. The pain I was going through was nothing compared to the pain I was feeling for losing Jasmine.

My father had told me stories about what happened to those who lost their mates. If the mate was killed the other one would make sure to revenge him or her, and when the mate died of natural causes the other would stay decades alone, away from anyone else. Total isolation, mourning their loved ones. Some of them even went crazy and committed suicide.

I have never understood that, until now. There is nothing that could hurt me more than the fact of not having my mate with me anymore. But I wasn't going to sit down and cry. I would avenge her, making them all feel the pain that I was feeling and only after that I would kill them.

When my torturer left I started planning my escape. I couldn't really focus, I was way too weak and I was feeling the darkness pulling me to her. But I wasn't about to leave without make the ones who killed Jasmine suffer. Only then I would die in peace.

After a couple of minutes Sol came in, a blood bag in hand. My fangs came out at the smell of human blood.

"You seem thirsty. Want some?" she mocked.

She stood next to me and took the nails off my wounds, which felt like a relieve, but I was still too weak to heal. Then she cut the bag and pressed it against my mouth. And I drank. It was cold and for that matter didn't taste that good, but it was something. She pulled it away before I could finish it. Then she untied me, and I barely managed to sit down.

"Good boy" she smiled, then she walked towards the door and before closing it she said "Oh, there is someone that want to see you"

And that was when Jasmine walked inside.

She was wearing black clothes and she looked more pale and beautiful, she was the image of a true goddess. But what surprised me the most were her eyes. Red as blood. She looked like... a vampire. After feeding for the first time. Jasmine was fully turned into a hybrid. Her expression was blank when she saw me, not a single emotion in her eyes.

"Jasmine" I said, happier than I've ever been in my life "You are alive"

"Listen to me" she said, not even getting too close to me "They are going to let you go"

"What about you?"

"I'm staying here, with them"

"Don't worry we'll both get out here..."

"I said I'm staying." she cut me off "This is where I belong, Aaron"

"With hunters? Are you insane?! Youcan't stay here, Jasmine. You are my mate..."

"I nothing of you! Not your friend, your girlfriend and most of all I'm not your mate"

When those words came out of her mouth I felt like someone was opening my chest and taking my heart out. It would've been better to just die.

"Are you rejecting me?" I barely managed to say.

"Of course I am. I just realized you are too pathetic to me, I deserve better"

"And you can get that here?!"

"Yes! I've finally found the place where I belong. And I'm not leaving it. Not even for you. So it'll be better for everyone if you just took the offer and left"

Al though I was dying inside I managed to control my self and said what I had to.

"Fine. If that is what you want"

"Perfect" she said on a low voice and before leaving the room she said "It was for the best"


"Well done, Lane" Albus said once I was back in the control room "Even I bought it"

"Well that was the point, wasn't it?" I said bitterly "Do you want me to do something else?"

"No, that's it for today. A unit will make sure you boyfriend gets back safe to his house"

I nodded, the knot in my throat not letting me say anything.

"Adrian, take her to her room" Albus said, and the blond guy who had tortured me and Aaron walked towards me.

I just followed after the hunter with out uttering a single word, and he took me to a room with one small window on the back wall. There was a mattress on the floor and once I went inside he closed the door.

Laying down on the mattress I let all the tears I was holding back to fall down my cheeks.

I had lost him. Forever. He hated me now, and there was no turning back.

But what hurt me the most was how easy was to reject him. He didn't fight back that much, which made me wonder if he actually loved me. That only made me cry even more.

There was so much hurt in those ocean blue eyes that just killed me. I felt so powerless, not being able to ease the pain he was feeling, to hold him, kiss him and tell him how much I loved him. Once again happiness was being ripped away from me, and  only now I knew that probably I  deserved everything that was happening to me.



Oh, and lets not forget that she still doesn't know how she ended in a vampire school, shall we?

There are still lost of mysteries to be unraveled. And this is just the begging.

thanks for reading and forgive my mistakes.

Sorry for the short chapter, I still have lost of ideas for this story and I don't really know how to put them all.

Oh, and I've been thinking there might be a sequel....

Pls comment or vote, I love to know what u think

Pic of our beloved Noah on the side, just so u don't forget him ----------------------->


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