The letter

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"Oh, well." Paige said "You certainly don't waste your time"

"Ehh.. this is not what it looks like" I said, trying to keep the towel wrapped around my body "We were just talking"

"Yeah, sure" she smiled devilish "I'll let you guys 'talk', just please take in to consideration that I'm in the next room"

With anything else left to say she walked away, closing the door behind her.

"Well, where were we?" Aaron said looking at me.

I raised my eye brow at him.

"Are you kidding me?" I pressed my hand against my neck "Did you just bit me?"

"What is wrong with it?" he said, like it was no big deal "That way everyone know you are mine and mine only"

I have to admit that sounded both cute and a little too over protective, but that was the least of my problem.

That mark wouldn't go away easily. It will take months for it to heal, and in the mean time the endorphins in his saliva will give him the ability of feeling what I felt and vice versa.

"Why are you worried about it?" he asked, hugging me from behind.

I couldn't tell him. I just couldn't.

The guilt was eating me from the inside out. There had to be something I could do. But what?

And then I knew it.

Aaron POV:

Although the link was still not really strong, I could feel some of her preocupation. Something was just not alright.

"Are you OK?" I asked when she didn't answer.

She seem to be deep in thought, so I turned her around and captured her chin, making her look at me.  There were so many emotions in those gorgeous jade eyes. I could see sadness, pain, preocupation and guilt?

It was eating me alive to see her like that and not being able to help her.

Resting my hand on her cheek, I expected her to read in my eyes all the things my mouth couldn't say.

That I loved her. That I wanted her to be happy. That I would protected her no matter what. That I would always be there for her. All of that and more. Silent promises captured in my eyes.

Why couldn't  I just say it to her? Why couldn't I tell her how much I loved her?  And how sorry I was for being such a jerk to her before.

After what seemed to be hours, she looked away, avoiding the tears to fall.

"You have to go now" she said.

"No, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong" I said firmly.

She look so broken and in pain when I said that, that it made me wonder what was going on.

But before I could say or do anything else she came closer to me and placed her hands on both sides of my face.

"I promise I'll tell you everything tomorow" she paused and then kept on "Just please, wait until tomorow"

I should have said no. Could've and should've, but...

"Fine" I gave in. "Just call me if you need anything, OK?"

She just nodded.

Before I left I kissed her on the fore head and then on the lips.

"I love you with all my heart" I said.

Then I left


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