Mind Link

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I know you hate for the long wait. And the short chapter. I'm was out on vacations and just got home a couple of days ago. I hope you enjoy. The end is close!!!

Aaron on the side ----------------------------------------------------------------->

Happy reading!!



I wasn't completely sure if it was her. But I hoped. Hell, I needed it. I was missing her so badly. All I wanted was to be with her. Have her in my arms. She was the only that understand me. I know it sounds crazy. I know we just met a couple of days ago, but it was like I've spent my entire life with her.

She was the only one that made me feel like I was... alive.

When I managed to focus on her voice, it seemed tired and sad.

Jasmine. Is it really you?

Aaron! Yes, it me.

She paused. Jas felt really tired and I started feeling so useless. Not being able to protect her was killing me.

It took me a while to learn how to use the mind link. She said

Oh, Jas. I'm so sorry for leaving you. You were just trying to keep me safe..

It's OK. You didn't know. That doesn't matter now.  She paused, as if trying to gain some strength to keep talking. Aaron they are planning to attack the school you have to warn them.

Don't worry we already know that. We are waiting for them.

'We'? Who are you talking about? she asked confused.

I can't tell you that yet. But I swear I'll get you back.

I know you will.

She stayed silent for some time. I was starting to feel how tired and thirsty she was feeling. And because of that she started to fall asleep, the connection slowly breaking.

I love you.

That was the last thing I told her before she fell asleep and the connection broke.


For the next days I trained with Anna until I had to drag what was left of me all the way back to my room. And every day I would try to work on the mind link. At times I would just be able to listen to her thoughts, and sometimes even see through her eyes, but I wasn't able to talk to her yet. She was being kept at a small room, and during the morning they would take her to some sort of training room and lots of hunters would attack her to see how her training was going. I wasn't sure if she knew when I was in her head, and if she knew she never show it.

It was really hard to be away from her knowing she was suffering and knowing I couldn't do anything to help her. We shared such a short time together. I didn't have the chance to take her out on a proper date. I didn't even know anything about her. Where she grew up, or what happened to her mother, nothing.

But I had to be positive. I was going to find her. And when I did that there would be nothing to keep us apart.

As I walked back to my room, I realized how empty the campus really was. Everyone had been evacuated by now. It was like a ghost town.

The attack was supposed to happen tomorrow. The estimated time of the attack was around midnight. It wasn't an exact hour but that was all we got. The hunters were better when it was dark and it would be easier to escape if it came to it.

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