The fight

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The fight:

"Aaron! What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

But he was too focused on beating the shit out of Noah. But suddenly Noah started beating the crap out of Aaron. It tried to tell them to separate but it wasn't going to work so I decided to intervene bad, bad idea.

First I tried to take Noah off of Aaron by pulling his arm. He actually looked at me and punched me right in the face sending me away. I hit the wall and landed on the cold floor beneath the stairs. My back was hurting and I think I got a twisted ankle.

Once I catched my breath back I saw that Aaron was laying on the floor with a bloody nose and a really pissed off Noah standing infront of him and probably about to finnish him.

What I did next was something I could never picture my self doing.

I sprinted towards Noah and grabbed his neck a twisted it until I heard a low crack.

When just feel to floor I calculated thet it would take him at least two hours to heal. Then I helped Aaron to get up.

"Are you sure he is going to wake up?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, he will. after all he is a vampire and the only way to kill a vampire is by driving a stake through his heart"

He looked at me.

"Thanks for saving me" he said.

"Thanks for saving me too" I answered looking at Noah.

Then I went to the kitchen and got a tissue with some alcohol on it.

"Sit down" I told Aaron.

He did as he was told and sat down on one of the chairs of the kitchen.

"So, for your nose to heal the right way I'm gonna have to fix it, and it won't be pretty." I said.

He just nodded and stood still.

Grabbing his nose I looked at him"One, two..."


"Ouch!!" He yelled "What the hell happened to the three!?"


"Verry funny"

I smiled."Don't be such a pussy, it's going to be fine now"

"Thanks" he murmured, looking at Noah."Why was he here?"

I stayed quiet and grabbed the tissue to clean the blood from his face. But he grabbed my hand and made me look at him.

"Why was he here? And why was he so mad?" He insisted.

"He...I can't tell you" i looked into those deep blue eyes. He wasn't that jerk that I first met anymore. He was different. He actually cared about me. But I couldn't say anything. After all he was a vampire. He couldn't be trusted.

"I think you should go" I said, stepping away from him.

But he wasn't gonna let go that easy, was he?

When I was about to go to the kitchen he was there, on front of me in one split second.

"Why are you avoiding my questions? What's going on?"

"Why do you even care? Just get out and go back to your perfect life and leave me alone!" i said.

He looked at me so instensly that my legs started shaking a little and my heart was beating really fast. Then, and out of the blue, he grabbed my face and kissed me.

At first I was shocked, but then it actually felt felt right. And then I realized what I was feeling, and that was not good.

If I was a hybrid that meant I could mate with werewolves or hybrids or...vampires.

When I broke apart and I looked at him his eyes were wide open and they were pitch black.

"Mine" he whispered.

"Oh, fuck"

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