Not a way out

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A thounsand reads!!!! Are you freaking kidding me!!!

Thank you all so much for supporting this idea and for the votes and comments, I really appreciate it a lot.

Things are about to get really bad.

Happy reading!!!

Thanks again :D


Not a way out


It was dark.

That was all I could say to describe the visual part of my surroundings. Darkness. Not a single sound or smell. Just quietness and darkness.

At the beggining it was crushing me, making me experience so much pain that I just wanted it to go away, even if that meant to die. I didn´t care. I just wanted the pain to be over. It was way too much for me to take. It was like a burning sensation that originated in the center of my back and spread across my shoulders and made it way to my arms. My heart was beating so fast it hurt. The adrenaline residues were long gone. And the numbing feeling was no where to be seen.

All I could feel was pain.

The cause of my pain?

Silver arrows.

As soon as the sharp weapon perforate my skin all of my strength flew out the window. That was a small demonstration of how good silver was on werewolves. The reason I was still alive was because my vampire part was still fighting for what was left of me. But it wasn't strong enough.

That was probably because I never feed on blood.

Vampires in the real world are nothing like the old legends that humans believed in. To begin with sun didn't affect them in any way. Second garlic didn't cause anything either. And the only way to kill a vampire was by burning him and burying the rests.

Now vampires could have kids. And the kids were born normal, just like humans had their kids and just like werewolves had their kids too. The difference was that when the vampire turned fifteen they could choose whether or not they wanted to be immortal.

The first years of a vampire, they are basically like humans. Only a little faster and stronger, but not as fast or strong as a fully turned vampire. They could feed on normal food and get hurt and all. But when they feed on human blood for the first time, after turning fifteen, they would end the formation. Their body would stop aging and they would be really strong and fast like normal vampires are.

Now being a hybrid I'm not sure if this would stay the same. But I think that it was the same. I hope it was.

Now you are probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about, huh?

Well, it all started when I left the campus.

My heart was turned to pieces and I knew I could come back, even if I wanted to. But that didn't matter any more. I had to start a new life. Probably finding a job, trying to move on.

I was currently in some big city, miles away from campus. It was probably Seattle or maybe LA, I didn't know, and I honestly didn't care.

I had run out of tears a long time ago and now I was just wondering around. I felt so hungry. And the people around me gave me concerned looks but said nothing.

I finally got to a park. It was a huge park and it had this sense of peace emanating from it that just drag you to it. Honestly I also went there cause I was feeling tired and wanted to lay down for a while.

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