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My eyes flung open to reveal a mad Paige staring down at me. Thank God! It was just a dream.

"Move your ass, will be late for school" Paige said, getting out of my room.

I got up and got dress in five minutes, then I went down stairs to make my self some breakfast.

The twins made some toasts for me and I ate them with some hot coffee. Then we got our stuff and went to class.

When I got to my usual sit, Noah was no where to be seen. Only his friends were there, giving me weird smiles.  I coulnd't help but to miss him. My wolf was incredibly quiet the whole day too.

Aparently she missed our mate really bad too.

"I'm still waiting" someone said when I was taking some books out of my bag.

I just ignored him and started reading my book. He took it away from me and looked at me.

"God, what's your problem? Just leave me alone" I said.

Some people were staring in my direction.

"What you did at the Bonfire was not nice, I just want you to apologize" he said.

"You know what? Fuck off. I will never apologize for beating the shit out of you in front of everybody. Just get used to the idea that there is one person in this school that is actually not afraid of a pussy like you" I answered before taking my stuff and storming out of the class.

For the love of God, that boy is extremely annoying. Can he just bother someone else? Stupid vampires, they are all so fucking annoying and- wait.

What is wrong with me? Why am I so mad?

'Until you finish the mating you're going to be really irritable' my wolf said.

GREAT. Just fucking great.

Well guess what? I'm not finish the ma-

I found my self opening the door to the roof. I could see the whole campus from here. It was really pretty. So peaceful and quiet and-


I turned to see Noah was there too.


Something else?

"Oh, hey" I said. "I I should better go."

"No, wait" he said grabbing my wrist and making me look at him.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I wanted to talk to you" he said.

"If it's about what happened yesterday I only have..."

"No it's not about that"

"Then what?"

He looked at the floor and then gave me a serious look.

"Are you a hybrid?"

The blood leave my face. My heart stop beating.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"If you mean that if I'm a perfectly normal vampire, then yes"

"Don't play dumb on me. We both know that you are a werewolf so don't try to deny it" he said, his face totally numb "But you are also part vampire"

"What the fuck are you talking about?! I'm a full blooded werewolf" my hand flew to my mouth. I looked at him feeling really scared "Please don't hurt me"

"What? No. I won't hurt you"


"'Cause I'm like you"

"What do you mean 'like you'?"

"I'm a hybrid too" he said.

"You're what? Wait, I'm not a hybrid" I said.

Instead of answering me he took a silver chain out from beneath his shirt and took it off. Then he grabbed my hand and placed the chain on my arm.

"No, what are you...?" I didn't move when I saw that it didn't burn.

Silver was deadly for werewolves. Like stakes were to vampires.

He put the silver chain on again and looked at me.

"See. Only a hybrid can stand silver a lot better than a wolf" he said.

"Well that explains a lot." I looked at him "How did you know?"

"My mother was a werewolf and my father a vampire. My mom  died giving birth to me." He explained. "What about you?"

"My mom died when I was born too, but no one never told me anything" I looked at the floor "Maybe that's why my family hated me so much. I was the daughter of a vampire after all. How did you realize is a hybrid?"

"'Cause when we kissed I knew you were my mate and there was no way that a werewolf could get in this place with out being noticed and that you weren't a vampire because vampire and werewolves don't mate so it was the only logical conclusion" he explained.

"But I don't drink blood"

"You don't need to. That's one of the advantages. That and that your vampire side is really strong, that's why you almost smell like one."

I looked at my hands and then I looked at him "Am I going to turn into a bat?"

His serious face was replaced with a big smile. "No" he said.

"Thank God"

He just looked at me with those deep green lustful eyes that send chills down my spine. I suddenly blush and look somewhere else. But he got closer to me and hold my chin and lifted, making me look at him. His other hand rested on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I barely know you, but I love you more than anything" he said, our fore head resting against each other.

"I love you too, but I can't hurt Lauren." I said.

He smiled at me "She doesn't have to know"

"What do you have in mid?"

He smiled at me in a way that somehow made me shake.

"We could met secretly" he suggested. "Like now"

"Maybe, but what if...?"

"Don't think of what could happen, just enjoy the moment"

Maybe, just maybe he was right.

After all there might be gold at the end of the rainbow.


And I'm back with a little more. Next chapter will be really steamy. Do you really thought Jas could manage not completing the mating???

Pls leave comments and vote.

Thanks for reading!!!!


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